Monday, December 6, 2010

OK...I have some inspiration!

First, I just have to record how delicious my egg, cheese and OKRA omelet was this morning...on toast! Sorry no pic...maybe on another was really pretty with the pattern in the cut okra!!! Oh, silly me! I am thinking now, of maybe trying to print some snowflake patterns on paper using the cut okra! It can be very versatile! Hehehe.

Oh my goodness, did you all see this newest issue of Cloth, Scissors, Paper e-mail newsletter? The use of black gesso is so amazing...and her project is inspiring me...I think we will have a big crafting party one night soon when my DIL is off from work! I will take pics! Anyway...check out this black gesso...I never knew there was such a thing!!! LOL.

Have a happy, crafty week, I hope!


  1. Oh, this sounds so interesting. Am anxious to see your results.

  2. First, let me just say I HATE okra, for eating that is.....her article was neat.

  3. Julie, the more you blog about OKRA, the more you're tempting me to try it. I guess I've eaten it in chicken gumbo a time or two.


  4. The omelet sounds yummy, Julie. I'm still not sure that I like okra, except for maybe in gumbo. Maybe it's because I haven't tried any fresh. I found some interesting uses for tires this past weekend and posted about them this morning. Have a great week!

  5. I feel so special for knowing about black gesso! But to be fair, the only reason I know it exists is because I troll around Hobby Lobby a lot looking for inspiration. I like to know what products are easily available and then bank that information. I also troll around costume stores, home improvement stores, and pharmacies for the same reason.

  6. My muse took off for awhile. I will head over to this link and hope she is enticed back.

  7. I'm not so sure about okra, on an omelet, but I'll take your word for it! A crafting party sounds like a good idea, might just have to make a date with my girls!

  8. Your omlet sounds wonderful! I think I'll make myself one this morning. sans the okra -- I don't have any in the house! ;o) I've spent a little time looking at all your beautiful photos -- it was such a great way to start my day!

  9. Hi Julie,
    Love omelets and love to make them too. The photo of your swiss chard is beautiful. Look at the colors.
    Hubby says thank you for the B-day wishes. Glad you like the card and I just received my Burpee catalogue. Hope to sit with it and start making a wish list for next year.

    Have a beautiful day.
    Bobbie Lynn
