Sunday, January 30, 2011

Happy Cactus Monday!

Happy Cactus Monday to you all! I discovered that my TWO Christmas Cactus plants (in one pot), have THREE flower colors!!! You can see two red, one pure stark white, and one faint pink here. WOW! This is fun! It is getting me in a Valentine mood! I am thinking now I may have to pull out my little two ft. Christmas tree and the grandkids and I will decorate it for V-day! If we do, you all will be the first to see it! For more Cactus Monday fun, visit our leader, Teri, over at Painted Daisies!!!

Had a busy weekend here. Tonight took the grands to a fair at a local Catholic School. It is a fair just like a big state fair with midway rides (only on a smaller scale), and fair food vendors too. Everyone got to ride what they wanted, and we got away with spending only 35 dollars. We got a front row parking place, and afterward we went to Taco Bell and guess what? Front row spot there too! Seems like the universe was smiling down on us! Great weather...I wore a short sleeve blouse, and no wind, just around 70 degrees. We got there about 1 hour pre-sunset, and stayed about 1.5 hours after dark... lots of fun for all.

Hope everyone has a grand week ahead!
xoxo- Julie


  1. Hi Julie,
    What a beautiful Christmas cactus and yes, Wow! you got a Valentine color theme there. Have a wonderful Cactus Monday. Sounds like you had a nice weekend too. : )


  2. Wow, three different colors on one plant?! That is amazing!! And beautiful.


  3. What an adorable planter, Julie. Counting the blessings sure is a mood lifter. The weather was great here too, especially Saturday. SAM had the best time fishing with our grandson. I might be able to convince him to write a post about it this week. Hope your week is wonderful.

  4. Fun with grand kids is the best kind of fun. I dreamt about mine last night! Not quite as good as actually being there though!
    Love all your plants. YOu give them such love no wonder they grow so profusely.

  5. Your Christmas cactus is so pretty with all the colors in the same pot. HCM. Glad to hear you had a good weekend.

  6. Talk about a treat! Beautiful blooms, and decorating a little tree for Valentine's Day is a great idea!

  7. Happy Cactus Monday Julie. Lovely blooms from the Cactus Plant. Have a wonderful Valentine Day! haha, why not use the Christmas tree more than once a year! Enjoy!

    Gulp, I've missed a few Cactus Mondays now :(

  8. Ev- Yes, I have been known to keep the Christmas tree up year-round and decorate for the seasons/holidays! It is FUN!!! It helps to have my little two footer though...(space saver)! :)

  9. My blogging has been sporadic lately, but here I am.

    Three flower colors in one must have the magic touch. I've always wanted a Christmas Cactus plant.

    Short sleeves, 70 degrees...time for me to get out of here before I get too jealous. ha-ha


  10. Hey kiddo, great looking Xmas cactus! I love the Xmas tree idea!
