Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bird design and haiku

I woke up around 5am and was sitting by an open window when I heard the most beautiful and different birdsong being, it seemed, sung just to me! I wrote a haiku.

I hear a chirping birdsong
Too dark out to see
Floating through the screen to me

I also found this amazing Lenox china called CHIRP. More of the Lenox peices in this pattern can be seen here at Lenox.

It makes me think about one of my sweetest blog pals, Kelly, over at I Am Just One Person, who does a lot of beautiful bird paintings like this (this could have easily been one of her designs). I have decided that the thing that appeals to me is the turquoise and red together.

I have been drinking 2 packs a day of Emergen-C to avoid a cold, since a few people around here have them...and guess what...holy crap, Batman, I'm coming down with a cold. So much for the effectiveness of added vitamins and minerals! Sometimes I think it is malarky. Yes, we need these things for normal body functions, but do added ones do much, or is just enough enough???

The grandkids just went off for the day with their Dad, so I am dreaming of a nice lunch (salad with a grilled fish on top) from my new favorite bar and grill. Oh, goodie...hubby just confirmed that he is taking me! Yeah!

I am excited for Sunday morning. My 6 year old grandson just loves going to church! We have been taking him, and he refuses to go to Sunday School, and insists on sitting in regular church with us. We always have to take him out half way through, but this week we are gonna go earlier (at 8:30am) to the contemporary service where they are big on guitars, drums, bands, etc. I sure hope it can keep him entertained to get through the whole service. It is a really neat church, and it feels like home/family.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
xoxo- Julie


  1. The red and turquoise together in that china pattern has kind of an old-timey look to it. Very cute.

    For your cold: Have you ever tried Sinus Rinse? It may seem a little weird if you are not familiar with it, but it really helps clear out the gunk. I use it daily. Twice daily during allergy season. It really makes a difference.

  2. Your haiku is beautiful. You captured the essence of your feelings when hearing the bird sing. That teapot is pretty. I can see why you like it.

    I have come down with a cold too Julie. UGH... I haven't been sick for some time. I don't like it.

  3. LOVE the teapot (want want) and the lovely Haiku! I felt like I was right there with you!

  4. Nice poem, Julie! I hope everyone enjoys the early but lively service tomorrow!!

  5. I can see why you love the red and turquoise—it's gorgeous!

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

  6. Good Morning Julie,
    Hope the weather is nice for you as it is for us here in So. California. It is good to hear that you and your family found a place to worship. So happy to hear that Donovan enjoys going. That is a blessing and hope that he will find comfort in the Lord as he grow up. I have a 20 plus year old and I'm hope that she goes with Hubby and I more often to Church.

    That tea pot is charming. Can never have enough pretty tea pots.
    Have a wonderful Day.
    Bobbie Lynn

  7. Hi Julie
    Oh how luck you are to be going to your favourite grill restaurant...your hubby is the best! Grilled fish on salad just such a lovely summery kind of meal for day we too will have summer here. :o)...that sounds so yummy.
    Isn't that sweet about your grandson too. Good for him for going to church with you....that is very special.

    Have a wonderful weekend..

  8. Hi Julie... Just got your note--it came to my house in SC--where Daughter saves my mail. :)

    Love the thought of Emily making food in her kitchen for the little animals.

    BTW--LOVE the tea pot, and red &turquise is great. I have a similar pot. figures huh?

    I thought you went with the Quakers.. do they have music?

    Love ya! Mary

  9. Hmmm.......I have a giant box of EmergenC in my cupboard. I bought it a couple of years ago but haven't had the first packet of the stuff. It probably has even more of a chance to work if you actually drink it. jj

  10. i love red, turquoise, and brown together.

  11. That is such a nice poem Julie! And what a nice looking teapot! Did you get a good deal on it. I never had those things work either. If you are going to get a cold it's just going to happen. Hope you feel better now!

  12. Wow! It's great to worship God!

    The teapot design is marvellous!
