Saturday, February 26, 2011

How do you upload pics????

I am so frustrated with is taking FOREVER to upload pictures and then sometimes, you wait and wait and the uploader gives an error message or disappears. How do you upload pics faster? Is there an easier way? Please tell me....or I may need to change blog provider...move to Wordpress or another. It seems like a huge waste of time, and I know I can't be sitting here forever like this!!!


  1. I wish I had advice, but I'm not having a problem with Blogger here. Was it just a one day problem?

  2. have you tried resizing them to not be so big? The larger the size the longer the download...

  3. I use Picassa and keep web albums. The pic box on blogger brings up thumbnails that you just click on. Very easy.

  4. Julie, I haven't had a problem with blogger for quite a long time, do you think it could be your connection??
    I have my mandala blog on Wordpress but I haven't found it to be much different than blogger, however I always have to upload my pix to Flickr and then to WP just to get the right size. So it's a horse apiece.

  5. I rarely have the problem with blogger you are describing. A few times lately. Wonder if they are "under construction" or something that is causing this. You might ask.
    Would it be faster to transfer directly for a photo storage place like Picasa. It gives me that option.

  6. Blogger can be very frustrating. I like to resize my photos so they are smaller, then use blogger to upload. Try resizing your photos first. Or otherwise, use Flickr for you photo gallery and link to Flickr account.

  7. Hi Julie,

    I haven't had a problem with Blogger's uploader, however, you may want to resize your pics down as they are larger files than average which will use up your Blogger download quota faster anyways. Once you read the limit which is via Picasa you will be offered more storage at a reasonable price. Flickr is a great alternative which I see you have already done for the post following this one. :)

  8. Yep, I recommend Flickr, too. It rocks. Plus the community of Flickr is awesome.

  9. I load my pics from flickr. It is so easy. Yes it involves a bit more clicking but the results are worth it. Actually first I upload to picnik then it adds to flickr. I then take the html of whatever size i want on my blog and add under blogger html. Pretty easy. And yes I love the flickr community! I have made some super friends and learned a lot there.
