Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day #13-My goals

This is tricky!!!

1. I hope to keep my job for at least 10 years. My super-goal is to be able to retire by then, and not have to work my whole life!!! I mean that. I had thought 30 years was long enough, but please let 40 be.

2. I hope to have some good travels still left in me. I am talking to hubby about a trip this fall. Fingers crossed.

3. Get all of my children and grandchildren self sufficient before I die so I can rest in peace!

4. Have time in my life for arts and crafts from this point forward.

5. Keep my blog up and be able to visit all my blog friends till I die (at least 40 more years)!

6. Finish reading the Bible all the way through for the second time (very shortly...I am up to I Corinthians, so not much more to go)! The first time I read The Daily Bible, which tells the whole Bible in order that it occured. The books and chapters are all mixed together to give a flowing, historical account. This time I am reading a standard Bible written especially for women, with side notes of special interest to women.

7. To try and continue my garden as long as I can, adding new and different plants (flowers and vegetables) each season.

Well, nothing major here...just keepin on keepin on (as my friend, Karen always says)!!!

Li'l chick art coutesy of Vintage Holiday Crafts!


  1. Nice goals Julie!
    Thinking about goals scares me most of the time but reading yours bring some ideas to mind except for the bible they are pretty much the same ;)

    have a nice day!

  2. Great goals Julie. I hope your life works out as you wish.

  3. Your goals are all worthy and typical of your beautiful self, Julie.

    Thanks for the tip about The Daily Bible. I'm going to look for it. The chronological approach is very appealing to me.

  4. Great goals, Julie. I still have Revelations to finish from my last year goal. Now it's gone from read it in a year to just finish it! I'm going to try the chronological approach next.

  5. I just starting reading Corinthians too. Love to read the bible and it keeps me sane in a world gone crazy.
