Monday, May 23, 2011

Bye-bye tomatoes, and hello okra!

I have only three tomatoes left on my three remaining plants...and then the season is over! I kinda want to cry, as this was my most proliferative year with them. I will have three empty 5 gallon buckets, and after talking with hubby, we think it will be best to fill with more okra plants! I will put two per bucket seemed to work well, and I still have about 5 plants that overwintered from last summer going strong right now! Get ready for more okra bloom shots! They are just so pretty! I will miss you pretty tomatoes...see ya in October again!


  1. I don't get it. Our tomato season is just hitting its stride. How come yours is already over? What about your local farmers markets and stuff. Are their tomatoes done, too?

  2. The tomatoes look great. Hooray for okra. I'm growing that for the first time this year and can't wait.

  3. Those looks sooooo good, Julie! I know what you mean about having to say goodbye being sad, but it will be October before we know it.

  4. Hi Julie *hugs*
    Aren't fresh warm tomatoes from the garden sooo delicious...yum! Well I'm sorry your harvest of tomatoes is over but at least you have 2 seasons and you'll have new ones again later on. We have yet to plant ours for our first season so how short is that?? We will probably do some planting this weekend and plan to slip in some tomatoes as well.

    I have never planted okra. I'm not such a fan of them but I know you'll have lots to enjoy.

    Thank you so much Julie for the very sweet comment you left me. *hugs*. I hope you had a great weekend and now you too will have a nice long weekend...I hope you'll have time off work.

    enjoy this day.

  5. Wow! You get two tomato seasons in a year?????? How fair is that?????? jan

  6. Sheeesh, your season is done and we haven't even put our plants in yet!! And these look soooo yummy.

  7. Cindy- I believe it just gets too hot and humid here...the plants can't take the extreme heat and sun...we plant in October and everything is over by end of spring...except the few things that will grow in summer, like beans, okra and eggplant. I need to find some other summer things to grow...will check my book on Florida would be fun to plant something new, for sure!!!

  8. Your tomatos have been really good, you will miss their lovely fresh flavour. What does Okra taste like does it have another name that I might recognise.

  9. Over already? I read your comment and get it. We are just starting our tomato season now. No tomato's to report yet but soon I think. We have had unseasonably cool weather. They want the heat! Cute photo!

  10. Wow! Too hot and humid??? I know you have spoken of the heat, but I had no idea it was too hot for tomatoes... Oh well, the deliciousness is in the transience hey?
