Saturday, May 14, 2011

What is this???

Here is an eggplant I took off one of my plants! What does it look like to you? It looks like some sort bird to me...or maybe a mole rat??? Ha. I just keep looking at it and think it is so cute!!!

How is everyones weekend going to be? I hope it will be a wonderful time for you all.

In the garden, I have some new blooms to get pics of as soon as I can...


  1. Hi Julie
    You r right - it does look like a little bird or if I squint, a baby elephant. Happy Weekend! Evelyn

  2. This to me looks like a prehistoric elephant being born of a eggplant colored egg. I am looking forward to having friends stop by for a garden tour today. Fun...if it doesn't rain. It is raining now. booooo

  3. Hi Julie,
    Thank you for your visit to my punch drunk needleworks. I have to laugh when you say teaching as I am still learning myself. Yes, a lot of my work is from photos and then I just draw some of them out of my little head. It helps that I used to teach Water color as it sort of follows the same color path with a little more intensity.
    I love your succulents. I used to live in Tombstone, AZ and had a huge wonderful collection of succulents but I would have to have them all inside most of the year here in Oregon.
    My next project is to start a hooked rug. I have all my materials but I just am afraid to start. isn't that weird?
    I just learned to needle punch from you tube tutorials. Great info there.
    I think anyone can do anything if they want to bad enough.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. That looks like a little elephant curled up and he's looking at you. I don't thing that elephants curl up.

    To funny.
    Wishing you and great weekend.

  5. ...or an elephant embryo ;)

  6. what a freaky plant, good to hear everything's going fine there Julie girl.

  7. Very weird-looking Julie. Reminds me of a placenta with a kitty in it. Yikes, back to freshman anatomy in nursing school. lol

  8. Wow, that is one creepy looking photo. I thought it was the fetus of an anteater. Gross! jan

  9. I bet it still tastes good. Mm.. veggies from your garden ARE THE BEST!!

    thank you,

  10. I see an elephant!!!!!

    Looking through all the posts I have missed lately.
    Wow I love that paper making. Makes me want to try as well.
    I love cosmos flowers too! Especially the pink variety, but I understand it must have been a bit of a disappointment for you they weren't orange ;)

    Recovering from my dental surgery..... this will take a while..........

    My weekend was fab!!! Spend it with Robin in LA!

    Hope you are fine Julie!

  11. Looks like a baby elephant to me... ;-)
