Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Squash and bean planting in July!

Now, here in south Florida, the growing season for most vegies are in the winter months, but I looked up a south Florida planting guide for vegies, and found two things! I can grow Yard-long green beans (they actually grow about 28 inches long), and summer squash! I am excited. I rarely try to grow anything in the summer, because it is so blasted hot, but because of my blogger friend, Bobbie Lynn over at Why I Love To Garden, I found out that the summer squash grows as a bush (not vining)!!! I am so happy! I think I will try a few bushes! I really want to grow the beans too, but need to put them on about a 6 ft trellis at least...which means I will have to construct something! Hmmmmm.....I really want to!

IMAGES FROM: ucdavis, and Seeds of India.

A big THANK YOU TO BOBBIE LYNN for giving me the info regarding the squash!!!
You can see a pic of her bush in the link above, and here is a pic of the yard-long beans...the red and green varieties ...don't they look like a boatload of fun!


  1. Hi Julie,
    Good luck with your garden and those beans look wonderful. Wow, look how long they are. I may try some in my garden for a spring garden.

  2. Hi again Julie,

    Just went out to the veggie area and “oh my gosh”, I took a look to see if I had any more squash to pick and the plant is bigger today (Tuesday) then it was on Sunday. It looks pretty big and one of them has a tomato cage around it. I hope the cage will support the plant. It looks great with the cage around it. Right now the cage helps the squash from hitting the ground. But I will keep you posted.

  3. The beans are looking WOW! Happy Gardening:)

  4. Now that's some beans there!

  5. Thanks for this!! I'm always in need of ideas of what I can plant this far into the growing season, and yard long beans have been on my list-of-things-to-grow.

  6. Hi Julie *hugs*
    Oh my those beans sure do look like a boatload of fun..*s*. I will have to remember that saying...
    What a wonderful garden that is and I hope you can build something for your own beans and squash.

    Enjoy your nice long weekend Julie and yes get some rest.

  7. I don't think that I have ever seen beans this long. I love squash, though. I would like to plant some veggies that I could put in containers.
    Thanks for dropping by the blog, Julie. I have been so bad about posting the last couple of months, due to family. I have Mandy's girls now, so my blogging is in spurts. Thanks for thinking of me.

  8. Those long beans certainly do look interesting, Julie...I wonder if they are just as tasty? I say go for it....if anyone can grow them, you can!
