Monday, August 22, 2011

Hurricanes Suck!

Dear Lord,
Please take this hurricane out into the Atlantic and not get anywhere near it's projected path (over us). Daughter needs to have her tonsillectomy on Thursday, as planned. My vegetable garden is thriving, and is begging not to have to be all moved indoors...especially the pole beans who are already climbing up the fence and trellis. I am already crying over the thoughts of Irene who is heading right for us!
Love, Julie
ATC was made by me back in 2008.


  1. Don't cry Julie. I am thinking positive thoughts for you and the area.

  2. As soon as I heard about Irene in the news, I worried you guys are in the path. At least you have several days' warning to prepare (unlike our CA earthquakes.) I'll be keeping you in my thoughts. Keep us updated, okay?

  3. Hoping that the track will change and you will all be safe!

  4. Yes! We have been watching it too, daughter number 1 is in Daytona Beach.

  5. I will keep you and your family in prayer. I will be thinking of today.
    Bobbie Lynn

  6. Hoping for some much needed rain but no wind! Let it spin off into the ocean.

    I read your earlier post about stamp collecting. My dad got me started on one about 40 years ago. At the time he was in the Air Force, working as an information specialist (public relations). He opened letters from all over the world and brought the stamps home for us to put in a book. SAM says the collection is probably worth quite a bit, but I don't think I'll ever part with it. And it's not so much the stamps themselves. It's the time we spent together working on the book and talking about all of the places those stamps represented.

  7. Praying you and all will be safe and unscathed by this big wind.

  8. i remember that atc!

    prayers to you that irene will move out over the ocean.

  9. Hi Julie *hugs*
    May Hurricane Irene dwindle into a little breath by the time it reaches shore...any shore. You are in my thoughts...
    This is a great ATC...

  10. I was thinking that you might be in the path this morning... be safe...

  11. Thanks for all the well wishes, everybody! It looks like we are probably gonna be out of the woods here, as long as it keeps going the way it is...but I will continue to pray it keeps moving further east to avoid any landfall at all.

  12. I hope it continues East for the sake of you all! Hurricanes do suck!
