Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Corn plants and others.

Some shots of my little cute plants outside today.

First the big Mexican Sunflower bush between my neighbor and is just covered in blooms right now. They seem to form on the bush at the top and on the side that gets the most sun (mainly the side facing south) on most bushes I have seen. This bush is actually my neighbors, and it is on the left side of my house, so we see all the blooms! The bushes on the right side of my house along the fence line on the other neighbors side...he gets to see all the blooms. That really irritates me too!!! :)

My corn plants are doing really well in their buckets.

The Gretel eggplant is growing well...soon to make some eggplants for us!!!

A cute little top to one of my gorgeous kalanchoe.

The Drift Rose is putting on a great show right now...there are two of these big flushes of flowers on the one plant, and a few other singles around too!!! Isn't it just so pretty??? WOW! Kinda makes me think of azaleas. They look so old fashioned to me!!!

Thanks for stopping by to see some of my little cuties!!! Have a wonderful rest of the week!
xoxo- Julie


  1. Julie, everything looks great. Love those sunflower blooms. I will have to wait until next summer to see such thing. I hope you have a great week ahead.

  2. Those Mexican sunflowers are beauitful, of course. All your plants are sure looking healthy and happy.

  3. Nice pics, Julie....that Drift Rose is a stunner!

  4. The kalanchoe is supposed to have great medicinal properties. (fourth picture)

  5. Hi Julie *hugs*
    I've never seen a sunflower plant like that. It is gorgeous...well at least one looks your way. Lovely.

    All the flowers are so beautiful. The Drift rose is amazing. How I wish we had one of those and it was in bloom right now. You are so lucky.

    hope you've had a great week

  6. Ohhhh, it does my heart good to see things are still growing...some where, not in Oregon, but somewhere! Lovely roses and sunflowers to go with the edibles, lucky you!

  7. Very nice Julie. You have green thumbs.Happy weekend, Evelyn

  8. wow still looking so good- here everything has frozen in time- till next spring.

  9. Hi Julie
    So sorry you are not feeling well. Love your garden photos and good luck with your veggies. Just love the color of your Drift rose. Amazing color there. Your photos of your time in with the Grand Babies are wonderful and what a treat for them.

    Thank you for your sweet comments and maybe one day I will teach a class. That would be fun. Take care.
    Bobbie Lynn
