Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A cake for fun!

My mom had given us some bananas from her tree, and today I made a cake from the over ripe ones. I had a half a bag of butterscotch chips, so I threw them on top after it came out of the oven, waited a few minutes, and spread them, and added sprinkles...and we have a cake to celebrate Tuesday! (AND a day off from work)!!!


  1. Okay. You're going to think I'm an idiot. I didn't know there were banana trees in the U.S.

  2. Julie, it looks Yummmmyyyyyyyyyy!

  3. That looks very tasty:) We have a bad batch of bananas. Happy New Year!

  4. Looks yummy Julie. Have a good day off. : )

  5. Oh quit, you are making me hungry. How is it possible to feel hungry after all of the Christmas feasting??

  6. Yummy! I added bananas to a chocolate cake mix....that was pretty good, too!

  7. How great your mom has a banana tree. And yes, banana cake looks like a wonderful way to celebrate a day off from work! You really amaze me with all of the fun and creative things you do. Enjoy the New Year!

  8. Hey you are whizzkid in the kitchen. Wishing you a very happy 2012 ans lotsa fun with your two wonderful grands.

  9. That's not a cake for fun, it's a cake for yum!
