Friday, December 2, 2011

We've got corn!!!!!

I actually got home before dark and walked back to the bucket garden...and I found 2 developing corn cobs!!!!! I nearly wet my pants.  Can you see the silks???? Tomorrow will be fertilizing day!


  1. Hi Julie *hugs*
    Now that WAS exciting! Isn't that so neat. So you know just what to do about growing and fertilizing them. How do you fertilize have to wait for this perfect time then?
    I hope you have had a great week..enjoy the weekend too.

  2. OK, here's what makes Florida different from California: You're growing stuff now that we grew over the summer. I just picked my last tomatoes the other day. Corn? Just a distant memory. Enjoy!

  3. oh fresh corn is just the best. I really must put more effort into my vege garden!
