Saturday, January 28, 2012

Some love from Dubai!!!

My blogging pals, Deepa and LiL A sent me such an amazing package all the way from Dubai. Thank-you both so much!

The package itself has stamps from there that I can add to my stamp collection!!! I am super excited about that!

I hope I can tell you everything she sent. The finger puppets were a big hit with the kids. The story of these characters was on the back of the cool.

They sent cards, a beautiful bookmark that is so neat...I am already using it in my new book.

A Christmas card and fishy magnet that Deepa made that Deepa!!! Thanks for sending the card I had picked as my favorite on your blog...that was a sweet surprise.

The little blue pouch had a sweet bracelet and cute little star earrings that LiL A sent to Emily!!!

You cannot believe how long I have wanted to try quilling...and now I have no excuses...since they also sent me a book on how to!!! I must try before I have to get back to work!

I cannot tell you a bigger thank-you from all of us to you, Deepa and LiL A!!! We just love everything!!!!!

X o x o...Julie, Emily and Donovan

Oh...and the peacock card with hearts was drawn by Lil A and sent to that not the sweetest card ever??? We love it Lil A!!!!!

Side note: Please don't look at our old diningroom table turned crafting table...complete with holes, scratches, paint, markers, glue and everything in between on it. We love that we are not careful with it...having fun just beating it up even more.


  1. What a sweet freindship and load of gifts you have here. The children looked delighted with it all. And a table well loved like that is a table that serves you well. No excuses needed. My back patio table is still full of paint from last summer. Rain does not wash it away and I am glad.

  2. Totally awesome and your grands are just the best-look how they've grown.

  3. Wowzers you hit the jackpot with friends and gifts. Deepa is so sweet and I can see the grands love it all.

  4. What a lot of love gifts to receive..from your lovely friends. The children look like they are having a lot of fun with the puppets.

    by the way I have a an old dining room table like that I use in my sewing room.

  5. SCORE!

    no seriously... lotsa neat stuff... how totally cool.

  6. Awwwwww...It's such a pleasure to see the lil ones happy and playing with the finger puppets...and we're truly truly glad that you loved them all. We are so very excited!!!!
    Will show it to Lil A once she's back from school:))))))))))
    Thank you for being such a lovely friend:)))))

  7. Hi Julie *hugs*
    What lovely gifts you received from so far away for you and your little ones. Cute little finger puppets! I bet you can make some with your grandchildren as well and have a nice puppet show and make a little stage and oh Julie I bet you would have fun with that.

    Its so exciting getting something special in the mail from friends. Everything looks lovely...

    Thank you Julie for your kind words regarding the loss of our friend...

    have a wonderful day...

  8. mom arrived for 2 months at West Palm on Friday. Give her a wave if you think you see someone who looks like her..*s*..just in case you remember from pics I've posted..

  9. What an amazing bunch of goodies!!! Have fun with them all.

    A table that is well used makes for a happy home so don't fret over it for a minute.

    Have a fabulous week! xo

  10. How wonderful! What a super package of interesting things. Looks like the kids were really happy and excited. What a great friendship you have made with a super person living in a magical place!

  11. How sweet and how happy your grands are!
    Enjoy it dear♥

  12. Wonderful Julie! You are the sort of gal people enjoy sending little things to. :) God Bless You for that!

  13. Wow! You all were so happy and exciting!
    Deepa sent the best fun gifts!
