Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Handmade Valentines!

I am happy to say these were made from stuff I already had around the house! YES!!!

Mine are the three with hearts...made with leftover "Nanna's Nursery" Baby Girl cardstock, lace, sequins, bows on a string, marker, and cut up white doily bits.

My artist daughter made personalized ones for Emily and Donovan, featuring their favorite characters...My Little Pony theme, and Pikachu, from Pokemon. They will be so pleased...especially with a little candy attached!

I still have more to make...but will do on another day when a few more free minutes present themselves!

X o x o...Julie


  1. Too cute! Valentines are so fun to make but, even more fun to receive. They are all really cute.

  2. Isn't it fun? and these are so cute!!!

  3. Julie, your Valentines cards are beautiful! Emily and Donovan will love the cards your daughter made for them too!

  4. Adorable:) It's fun to create this time of year for your loved ones.

  5. Hi Julie,
    Beautiful and sweet valentines you have there. One of my favorite papers to work with were the Nanna's Nursery" also. Nice assortment of colors. Thanks for sharing. Have a great evening.

  6. Adorable and a great idea! You are so clever .

  7. I too agree with Teri.
    All are distinctively unique and cute!

  8. You are an inspiration Julie. I need to make a few of these. Beautifully done.

  9. Hi Julie *hugs*
    Aren't they SWEET? So nice that you are making those and your daughter is having fun with you. You must have quite a craft stock ready for doing so many wonderful projects. Love all those Sharpies too.
    have a great evening..

  10. Beautiful valentine's cards. Wonderful talent you guys have.
