Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My tomatoes and lettuces...

In random order...pics from my container garden this morning. Posting from my phone...not sure in which order they will go...but the orangy-colored one is a large Mr.Stripey. Can you see the stripes where I held his bottom side up a bit??? I am loving this winter growing season...just sowed a ton of green (or maybe they were red) pepper seeds this morning, that my husband saved for me. Dried on paper towel on kitchen sink...will put my best shot of them here too...it will be blurry...but they look like tiny snails with a swirled pattern! LOL. Hope you can see it.

On another subject...I am feeling well now following a 10 day cold after leaving my over-the-top stressful job. Am so happy to be enjoying life again!!!
Happy Tuesday!


  1. Julie, these pictures look like midsummer here. Yummy. I am glad to hear that you are feeling well again. Nothing like a lot of stress to put you under. happy Valentines day.

  2. Your lettuce and tomatoes Julie look awesome. I just picked a nice bunch of lettuce from my garden for dinner. I just stated to sow some tomato seeds this week. Now the wait. Hope your having a great day.
    Bobbie Lynn

    P.s. good to hear you are feeling better.

  3. Julie ... is also rich and healthy with homegrown tomatoes ... ummm

  4. los tomates tienen una pinta estupenda, se ven sabrosos

    y tambiƩn tienes unos semilleros de lechugas muy bonitos


  5. I wish I could harvest tomatoes at this time of year. I'm still considering planting - let alone harvest. I'm jealous.

  6. Beautiful veg! Sorry to hear about the cold.
