Sunday, April 1, 2012

Good news, dying lace experiment with natural food dye, and a cute girl!

OK...first the good very exciting news for me! I received the letter today from the library that I have been selected for an interview!!! It has been about 4 weeks since I first applied! Kind of a slow process, eh??? I am ultra excited anyway, and am planning to make the break into a new career, if I can. We won't be poor, we just won't be as rich as we used to be (financially). Still rich in love, and that is all that matters to me.

This morning, we made blueberry muffins, and the box had a can of blueberries, which you drain before folding in. I saved the juice from the blueberries and used it (along with a tablespoon of white vinegar) to dye some white laces I had (a wonderful friend sent the laces to me from Aussieland)!!! I heated the mixture and am letting the laces soak a few hours to see how they do...but here they were just 5 minutes into it:

Yesterday the grandkids, DIL, daughter and I went to a few parks in Boca Raton, and here is Emily in her new dress from H & M. Such a doll!!!

Have a great week everyone! xoxo- Julie


  1. YEAH, got my fingers crossed for you!!!

    Dying lace, there is no end to your talents, using blueberries is very creative.

    And lastly, WHAT A DOLL!!!!!

  2. Good luck on job interview. Is this, maybe, the dream job? I think I would love to work in a library. I don't know tho' since I don't love desk jobs but I'd like to be around books all day. Great idea to recycle the blueberry juice, I'm going to have to remember that one. Be sure and share the finished product.

  3. good luck wishes for the new career!

    Lovely color for your laces...

    and of course you'd have a most beautiful grand daughter!

  4. Emily is looking gorgeous!!! The dyye technique is awesome...I should try it some time. Does the colour stay???

  5. I will be praying for you. Sweet photos of Emily and pretty coloring for the lace. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  6. Deepa...yes the color stays if you add vinegar to the mix while you soak...then rinse in cold water!

  7. Have a great Easter weekend!
    Lovely pictures of Emily!

  8. Hi Julie *hugs*
    Adorable little granddaughter and she is getting so big....lovely eyes..*s*.
    Well that is very interesting using the blueberry juice to dye the lace. I love the result. The butterfly is lovely.
    All best with your interview..*crossing my fingers*.
