Saturday, April 21, 2012

TAST- my first entry...

This week, Sharon, over at Pin Tangle proclaimed a challenge to create an embroidery using french knots. I wanted to try this week, and here is my final product. I think it turned out rather good. It was inspired by a book titled Creative Needlework, by Solweig Hedin and Jo Springer. The front cover featured a work very similar to this, which I added my own changes to. The button in the center was a found object from a few days ago, and I decided to feature it in the center of whatever I did. I wanted to show how you can take a rather boring, unexciting object, and really change it by adding some excitement and fun.
When I got all finished, I decided it needed a pink french knot right in the center of the button, and I was able to do that, which I feel really added the perfect touch.
You can find all of the other participants of Take A Stitch Tuesday, over here at Pin Tangle.


  1. This is so beautiful! You could make a whole bouquet.

  2. Great job! This is delightful.

  3. It turned out just beautiful Julie! Congrats!!!!!!!!

  4. It looks like a passion flower to me! Well or an embroidered mandala :)
    Have a wonderful Sunday ♥

  5. Thank you, Juli, for your lovely comment on my blog! You have made a wonderful french knot stitchery!
    Happy Stitching!

  6. Julie, it's just lovely. Especially loved the addition of the french knot at the center of the button!
    (and I see we're both Palm Beach county residents!)

  7. WOW Julie you can really wheel that needle. Great job. Love the colors.

  8. Beautifully stitched french knots. Thanks for commenting on my blog.


  9. Your French knots are so perfectly done! Not sure i've ever made any that looked this good. The whole piece is utter perfection!

  10. Oooooo this is so gorgeous...such beautiful pink stitch! Nice design, Julie:)

  11. Julie, this is wonderful and your french knots are perfect I can see the little holes in the centre. Congratulations on a really great sample of the stitch.

  12. How's that for timing...I'm over here reading your post just as you commented on my post.

    Julie, your embroidery is beautiful! I love the 'flower'! I remember doing those French knots many, many years ago in my Homecraft class in high school...have forgotten how to do them now.

  13. Wow! Julie you are taking a great challenge on embroidery:)
    Pink blossom with different fascinating stitches!

    I especially love the super neat knot at the most external rim!

    I have the urge to try on too:)
    I am planning to!

  14. I love it! Just love the design and colors too.

  15. A lovely flower and beautifully stitched!

  16. Hi Julie, That's really pretty. Nice French knots--it took me years to learn how to do them properly and have them turn out to be knots. One day over the winter, a friend and I had a little craft day, and I taught her how to make them! I think I'll go check out that TAST!

