Sunday, September 30, 2012

Have you ever seen such beautiful children??? My gosh...I don't know how I ended up with such gorgeous grands!
Yesterday my Kindle suddenly stopped connecting to the internet. I was back and forth between ATT (internet service provider) and Kindle. They were both very good and we finally resolved the issue today (mostly due to my sheer determination). Kindle even shipped me a new device, but I will return it to them unopened tomorrow...and I am so happy that MY OWN Kindle is fine and can stay in my family of favorites! You know who else I love in recent months??? I LOVE Vera Bradley! Vera actually sent me a birthday card that made me cry yesterday! Well, I think I was already a little fragile with finding out I have a torn meniscus on my knee, and having the Kindle issue.....but anyway, Vera's birthday card to me featured two of the cutest owls on front and outlined in the fabric pattern of the items I had recently bought from her (a new wallet and e-book reader cover). Inside was more of "my VB pattern", birthday greetings, and a 20 dollar off coupon on my next purchase!!! It was all too much for me, as I had an approximate 34 dollar item I wanted to buy, and now it will only cost me 14 dollars! This makes a non-working girl very happy!!! Seriously though, just the fact that they pay attention to what patterns you buy, your birthdate, and are so generous...I seriously want to buy one of everything she has!!! I do not work for Kindle, ATT or Vera Bradley (but if Vera Bradley wants to hire me as a sales woman, I will accept the position)!!! :) It seems all is well in my world right now. I think I have decided I will cancel my ortho appointment and try to heal naturally. I am NOT IN THE MOOD for surgery! At least I know what the problem is...I can go from there. At a minimum I have ruled out what it is NOT, which relieves my mind. I hope everyone has a devine upcoming week!


  1. Look at those blue eyes! Wow! Are your's that color? Good luck with the knee. I was thinking today how happy I was with my knee surgery this year. The qaulityy if my life really improved.

  2. Your Grands are mighty cute. I hate to hear that you have a torn miniscus. I thought only football players got those. You haven't been playing football have you?? Do take care.

  3. Yes your grandkids are precious! So cute. :)
    Sorry about your knee...hope your natural healing works and doesn't take too long. And glad your back online!
    What a lovely birthday present! How perfect is that for you!! Happy Birthday Julie!! Not sure when it was/is, but hope you had/have a wonderful one!
    Debbie :)

  4. Your grandchildren look so wonderfully happy and full of life. I'm sure they're the light of your life and hopefully help to take your mind off of your sore knee. Hope it doesn't take too long to heal. Just had a look at Vera Bradley's website and there are indeed many gorgeous items on it. Enjoy!

  5. Just looked at your last 4 posts :)
    Good to see that sometimes good things happen that makes you forget about the bad. I tried to read what happened to your knee but couldn't find it......Can it heal with rest?
    Your grand kids always look like they are enjoying life!!!
    The 2 sweethearts dressed in pink are too cute!
    Well dear take care and read :) I was thinking of buying a Nook this weekend in Atlanta.......
    Have a wonderful week ♥

  6. Wow those eyes, and yes they are too cute both of them- have watched them grow and loved every moment. A torn meniscus should not be left lovely one- remember your kneww is a very important weight bearing joint- please don't be stubborn -please don't ignore it.

  7. You do have beautiful grandkids. They are just growing up to fast. The photos show it. Love the one with Emily and Doozey. So sorry to hear about your knee. I will pray for fast healing and that you will not need surgery. I really like the patterns of Vera Bradley fabric and all the neat items she has.
    No much going on in my garden. Way too hot to be out there, but a cooling tread is coming so hope to be back out in the garden. I have been reading a lot and some sewing. Doing some pattern altering.
    Sending you good wishing and have a beautiful day.
    Bobbie Lynn

  8. Such cute kids! They have good genes(all from their grmma side I'm sure). Interesting to read the thoughts and experiences of others when it comes to knees. I had the miniscus trimmed in one knee about 8 years ago. I don't know that it helped much. I think a good chiropractor and/or message are worth trying first. I'm riding the stationary bike and doing message and that is helping the pain a lot. And trust me, I am a lot older than you and have very little cartilage, if any, in either knee. Just my opinion but I'd try natural first and if that doesn't work then surgery. Good luck.

  9. They are gorgeous Grandkids! Sorry that you had trouble with the Kindle...I get an instant headache when technical problems occur but, like you, my perseverance to resolve the problem usually pays off.

    Happy Birthday!! Not sure if I missed it or not as I've been wishing a few blogger friends 'Happy Birthday' of late.

    I hope your knee heals naturally. If you can avoid surgery..all the better.

    Btw, I was wondering if you would mind popping over to this link on my blog and possibly help identify the succulent in first pic? Thanks in advance.

    Love and hugs,
    Serena xo

  10. Hi Julie, your grandchildren are lovely and always look like they are having so much fun with you. They must adore such a fun granny.
    Sorry to read about your leg doesn't sound good. Hope you are not in pain, and hope the natural healing goes well.
    Belated happy birthday to you too. I haven't been around much lately and trying to catch up.
