Saturday, November 3, 2012

A new gardening journal

I was suddenly hell bent on finding a perfect garden journal. I looked online for already printed, perfect books, but found they were expensive, and not exactly what I was needing. I wanted one that I could put anything into, without gardening in south Florida is way different from the rest of the country. I couldn't use most of the grafts and charts that are in most pre-made journals. I saw one that had soil warmth levels for individual plants!!!!!  I got a chuckle out of that, since it is always warm enough here!!!!
I finally found a "planner", and it was on sale at Target for $2.68. A designer print on front and back, that I felt kinda had a plantesque look. It had a monthly calander, and then daily entry spots for garden observations. Perfect.
I started writing in it yesterday, but noted when the painted buntings arrived from the north.....on Oct. 17.
Here are a few photos of my new journal. I plan to add art, plant tags, etc. This should be fun, eh?????

P.S. The Garden Journal page came from Terroir Seeds.  They have a neat garden journal that you can print out for free. Look under RESOURCES along the top banner. I would like to thank them, because I did use their print inside my journal. They offer a lot on their website (a newsletter, which I subscribed to, and recipes, etc., so give it a look see.
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Xoxo- Julie


  1. Oh it looks neat. What really caught my eye was the Painted Buntings!!! How coo is that! I have alway wanted to see one.

    Happy journaling Julie.

  2. Looks like a lovely idea and fun to do a well.

  3. You know I am lovin' this. I was just thinking about my garden journal for next year. You should see this year's journal. It is stuffed full of plant tags, pictures I cut out of magazines and sketches. Lots of writing about the garden. You will enjoy this I am sure.

  4. What a great idea, Julie!! Your garden journal looks lovely and will be filled with a wealth of information by the time it's finished.

  5. P.S. - Also the joy it will bring you each day.

  6. Great garden journal. It always best to make your own. I'm behind on mine. Love your photos you have already added. Happy journaling.

  7. A great idea to keep a gardening journal and it will be such a pleasure to read and keep notes on your plants and how they're doing.
