Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Look at what was in my laundry room!

We had to call a trapper when a small mammal was seen out in the laundry room last night. Turned out to be a medium sized opossum. It had built a nest of leaves and a few socks....way up high on top of wooden shelves. They had him in no time, and will release him out in the woods. We had a few holes to the outside, which they securely covered.....and now we can rest easy! This was a bit of excitement today. The grandkids loved it. Opossums are really cute, with their sweet little pink noses!


  1. Such excitement. I know the kids must have been beside themselves with excitement. Great experience also. This summer I saw one crossing the road with babies on her back. They are cute.

  2. I once walked into the kitchen half asleep and found a possum helping itself to the cat food. no more open windows on nice nights here. lol. Did they let tou touch him at all? I understand tje fhe is surprisingly soft...

  3. Oh my! cute? have you seen the sweet teeth?
    LOL.. I guess they are kind of cute, I was snarled at by one once.. so maybe I'm just not seeing the cute as much. :)

  4. Hi Julie *hugs*
    Ohh my goodness that was a lot of excitement. I'm glad they got him and were able to let him loose someplace else...and you are all patched up too.

    They are cute aren't they....poor little fella...and now you won't lose anymore socks..*lol*.

    hope you have been well and have a great week.

  5. Hmmmm.....opossums as cute?:) Glad someone thinks so:) Also glad you caught the little guy and will have him released out into the great wild. That might be a little too much excitement for me:)

  6. Too cute, outside. Inside they look like big rats to me. ha... HAW.

  7. Definitely sounds exciting! I've never seen a real live opossum in person. Glad you took some pictures :)

  8. Awwwwww...poor thing must have been looking for a warm place....too cute! I'm glad to hear they were going to release him in the wild somewhere.

    P.S. - Julie, I'm so sorry I haven't popped over to your blog for a while. With signing up for 61 days of blogging daily, plus daily sketching, plus becoming a Grandma for the second time, I didn't have a lot of spare time to keep track of my fave blogs. I'm hoping to return to normal visiting times soon. xx

  9. Not to cute in my book, around here all I ever see are ones that are about the size of a medium dog....

  10. Wow, what a surprise finding an opossum in your house! How great that the trappers could return it to the woods. I've never seen an opossum in AZ but neighbors have had raccoons in their attics.

  11. What a cutie!!! But I would rather see him outside than in my home.......
    What an adventure!

  12. Poor thing, getting caught when he/she felt safe and secure in her leaf-and-sock nest! But I guess it will be better off outside, after all. Cute little animal, we don't have them here in Norway! :)
