Friday, January 11, 2013

The tire garden today

Well, minus a few tomatoes that are not quite red yet. These pics are out of order. You can see my new orange rose in my hands.... Mostly still all buds. It is so beautiful. I bought 2 roses bushes ( teeney-tiny) online from Hirt Roses, that have red and white striped blooms! They need some time to grow, and I should have some really cool flowers to show!

I have my yellow, red (although at the end of it's bloom time, having developed the white edges). I think they look cool like that. The white one I got a month ago or so has bloomed, but none right now. The white one actually is edged ever so slightly in a blush pink, and is so delicate and beautiful. Have I mentioned how much I am loving the darn mini roses???

You can see the one shot of the inside of one of the mauve colored bell shaped blooms on the kalenchoe. It has little blue tipped stamens! Oh my gosh, how cute is that?????

You can see three of the white Gretel eggplant growing together there.

Doozey and I say howdy!
Xoxo, Julie


  1. Hi, Julie! Loving all the colors in your garden. I have a red rose that gets the white edges like that. I like it too. It looks "antique-y". We're shivering here in SoCal today.

  2. That yellow rose is my favorite of the ones you have shown here. Love those tiny blooms. It is nice to see something other than snow. Happily the snow is melted here but nothing is growing or blooming yet. Love that FL sunshine.

  3. Everything is looking good. You seem to be enjoying out a lot too.

  4. Love all the beautiful flowers your have in your garden Julie. I do miss my roses and their lovely perfume.

  5. I always like a peek at your beautiful tire garden. That is so cool that the Kalanchoe's are growing in between the tires. And all the blooming you have going on is awesome. Great photos kiddo and scratch Doozey!

  6. With the gloomy winter we are having right now, it was refreshing to see your garden pictures. So beautiful.
    Debbie :)

  7. Such gorgeous pictures Julie and your flowers look so beautiful. We just received 15cm of more snow and today's high was -22Celsius. 3 seed catalogues arrived in the mail though so that always means warm weather is on it's way. Not for another 3 months but it's coming!

  8. Beautiful roses and interesting eggplants. I need to get out and do some gardening today. The weather's warm for now, but cooler days are on the way!

  9. Hi Julie, Doozey and everything in your garden look so wonderful and I'm amazed how you can grow roses and eggplants in the winter!

  10. Wonderful flowers and beautiful photographs.I invite you to visit and follow my blog of orchids.Best regards.

  11. You have some great blooms in your tire garden. I love the mini orange rose.

    Have a lovely Valentine's Day.

