Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hi.  I am here, but have just not been having a lot of time last month or so to post.  I have from time to time, been visiting everyone's blogs.  I may not comment, but I am reading!  I have no pictures.  It is raining outside and is rather dreary here.  I am trying to get ready for the Great Backyard Bird Count, which starts on Friday (tomorrow).  I bought seed, and the darn squirrel came and ate EVERY seed in my feeder OVERNIGHT!  He is trying to eat up my seed block too, but I keep shoo-ing him away!  He is a rascal!   I will have to get back out to refill the feeder whenever it decides to stop raining.

This year, I have had my same bird friends coming by...a Cardinal couple, a bunch of male and female Painted Buntings, and 1 Cowbird.  Funny the darn Cowbird is always alone for the past 3-4 years.  I see a few Blue Jays.  Other than that I just have the water birds, like Ibis, Egrets, etc. come by in the front yard generally.  I am looking forward to the bird count though.

My new granddaughter, Audrey is doing well and is super cute and still so tiny!!!  She lives with her parents and I see her about once a week.

I am not having time for embroidery.  The one thing I did get to do is work on my world stamp collection two weekends ago.  I have told myself I can buy no more fun ones (topical; themed ones) until I get all the ones I already have in the book!  It requires a lot of steaming as most of mine are still on envelopes and have to be taken off and dry before I can put them in.

Today the grand kids both went to school with treats to share, and their Valentine cards of course.  Emily was dressed in a pretty little pink dress with hearts in the tulle overlay. All the little girls looked like princesses!  Both kids were VERY happy to go to school today!  What a change!  I am about to order us heart shaped pizzas for dinner from Papa Johns.  This is becoming a tradition for us.  I will make a salad to go with.

So, life goes on.  This is just one of my super busy periods.  I hope to be back posting regularly again soon!
xoxo- Julie


  1. Life is good when busy! Enjoyed reading about your life. May I save your comment from my blog today for possible use in my next book? Hugs, Lynn I can use it with or without your name as you prefer.

  2. Well, at least you're better than I've been about visiting other blogs. Lately, I've not been able to read any let alone comment on them. Congrats on your new grandchild! How exciting it must be for you.

    I miss those Valentine's Day parties at school. It was always so sweet to help the kids pick out their cards and help them get ready for the big day. I think it was their favorite day at school. You know, come to think of it, I remember Valentine's Day at school when I was a kid, and it was my favorite day too!

  3. Squirrels are always great thieves of bird seed.

    Could you email me through my blog as I don't see a way to email you from yours?

    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog.

    It is a gray, rainy day as you well know, and I miss my DH terribly, but God is with me and is comforting me.

    I'm going to be checking out your archives.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  4. We have a cardinal couple who keep coming by our yard too. Sounds like the grands are having a fun Valentines Day. Heart shaped pizza will be perfect for dinner, enjoy! :)

  5. Ooooooooh, I'm doing the bird watch too and am oddly excited! Do you get Birds and Blooms magazine? LOVE it! Everyone I know who picks it up loves it. They have a blog too.

    Sorry I haven't commented much lately. Just kind of blah here. jan

  6. Just leaving a few hugs for you.

  7. Nice to see you busy, but I would have thought the gardening season would be least it is for me. I'm having a lot of fun watching the birds around our feeders...cardinals, blue jays, juncos, sparrows, chickadees, and fortunately the squirrels are staying in the trees.
    Have a great weekend!
    Debbie :)

  8. Hi Julie,
    Don't worry about blogging. You are a busy Mother, wife and grand-mother and that is your number one priority. Take care and hope you get to do some crafty stuff.

  9. I love this count! I just finished it up last night with Kathie. Hope you had some fun counting. They've broken so many records this year joining with EBIRD! Hope you had fun:)

  10. You are busy with family and fun things dear ;)
    Busy times here as well. But I always hear myself say that! I guess life never slows down here.....
    haven't been posting much either PC troubles and I haven't been so creative this winter si I wouldn't know what to share.
    BTW did you ever receive the second bag with embroidery silk? I mailed that from SF last December. I also mailed a package to a friend and that came back home twice :P
    All is well here Have to fly tomorrow Today I will visit my Mom and spend the night at my brothers
    Still winter here. But the days are getting noticeable longer :)
    Flying to the sun tomorrow, looking forward to that

  11. I wanted to let you know, after I read this post last week, I joined up for the Backyard Bird Count. I've never heard of this before and when I clicked the link and found out what it was all about, I was so there! I have so many feeders and watch the birds all the time, so this was fun. Thanks for posting about this, Julie!
    Debbie :)

  12. So happy all is going fab for you new grandma. sending you lotsa kisses to give to Emily, Donovan and the new one. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
