Friday, February 1, 2013

How to get Beautyberry seeds ready to plant

I found the suggestion online to place the berries in a colander and run them around with your fingers. It worked great. They are actually soft, and the skins popped right open and inside a bit of jelly-like material are these very tiny light tan colored seeds. I have them drying on a paper towel now in the windowsill. They are very tiny, as you can see them here. Once dry, I will place them in an labelled envelope ( or maybe a ziplock or sealed container would be best to keep them drier) and put in freezer until spring. I figure that might be the best time to plant them. Does anyone know when the best time might be considering I am in zone 10 (south Florida)???

See my last post for pictures of the cuttings I took yesterday! They are so beautiful, and were definitely named appropriately!


  1. I will be curious to see if this works. Good luck.

  2. These have always been one of my favorite plants, not only handsome in the garden but fantastic in flower arrangements. looking forward to seeing I'd you can get thethem growing.

  3. In the freezer???
    I hope it will work I will follow this!!!

  4. Now you have doubled your chances of getting a few of these for your yard! The birds will be loving you.
    Debbie :)

  5. I am sure with your green fingers you will soon have some flourishing seedlings once you plant the seeds.
    Good luck

  6. I Love the Beautyberry bush... well mostly the purple berries. i can't wait to see how they grow for you :)

  7. Really hope this works and the seeds will grow into gorgeous plants for you! Best of luck!

  8. I'm anxious to see how this works for you. I tried it myself, but didn't have luck on the first round. I think I grew impatient and wanted the pots the seeds were in for something else.

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I live just a mile or two from Common Ground - which truly is a beautiful park. If you visit again, you will need to visit Hollis Gardens as well. :-)

    And thank you so very much for the "Succulent Ramblings" link. Wow - talk about a hoya collection!

    Have a wonderful week and good luck with the seeds.


  9. I should see if they have any here in Iowa, I don't think I've seen any in yards.
    I really admire how you learn and try new things.

  10. very cool. I wonder how long it takes to grow a seedling big enough for garden. Can you start cuttings? Either is fun to try, cuttings would be a lot faster if they root. :)

  11. Oh my, what tiny seeds. Good luck in getting these to grow.
    Audrey Z.
    Timeless Treasures.

  12. I've seen Beautyberry photos in other blogs over the years and I'm always in awe of their beauty. Keep us updated as you try to grow them. Knowing you, it'll work out just fine.
