Saturday, May 18, 2013

A little posey of each of my roses!

I looked out the window this morning and  saw that each of my mini roses bushes had at least one flower so I could make a bouquet of all. Aren't they sweet? I added a sprig of jasmine.


  1. What a colorful collection of roses. I bet they make you smile. They made me smile.:)

  2. Of most roses, I have to say I like the minis best, which is strange, I usually like monster plants. but I also have to say that the word mini really only refers to the bloom. Theres a mini rose here that has grown to 4 feet wide!

  3. Hi Julie,
    A very sweet bouquet there. The colors are gorgeous. The touch of jasmine, perfect. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Bobbie Lynn

  4. Beautiful colors!!!
    Love the jasmine aroma.

  5. What sweet little roses you have. I see Confederate Jasmine blooms too, at least that's what they look like to me. I love the scent of those and the frilly edges. I look forward to the blooms every spring.

    Have a nice weekend ~ FlowerLady

  6. é uma emoção cada vez que vemos nossas plantas crescerem e darem flor , dá um enorme prazer.
    lindo buquê.
