Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My pink tipped Euphorbia Lactea

You would think I would have seen that weed and pulled it before taking the picture, and maybe added more shells, but what can I say! This plant is much brighter tipped in winter months, and the pink is still there. It caught my eye yesterday and I thought I'd show it. It's hard to imagine, but most days it goes unnoticed by me. Pretty though, eh??? I just noticed the picture of it in the side bar from a few years ago, and you can see it has grown a bit! Lots more twists and curls!


  1. é uma espécie muito bonita e interessante, aqui nunca vi para comprar.

  2. You are so lucky to be able to grow these exotic succulents. I am afraid my garden would be full of them if I lived in your climate. Beautiful plant.

  3. It reminds me of coral. Fascinating designs in nature, eh?

  4. amazing collection, I'm jealous!
    I just picked this guy up, do you know if it's a crassula or a cotyledon or ???
    any insight would be greatly appreciated!

  5. Wow, what a beauty!!!
    What weed. I never see them even in my garden. :)

  6. Good Morning Julie,
    It looks like something that you would find under the sea. Very beautiful. Great photo of your tire garden.
    Thanks for stopping by and have a good long weekend too.
    Bobbie Lynn
