Saturday, July 20, 2013

I'm on the hexie bandwagon!!!

Oh my gosh, this is so fun and addictive! I am making small 1" hexigon shaped appliqués to decorate towel borders with. Kitchen towels. So far I have completed 4, and these will be placed at the decorative edge of a black towel in a sort of honeycomb pattern. Of course this is using up some leftover fabric from my DIL's project she had done, and these towels will be for her new apt. She adores animal prints!  I will show you the finished product as soon as I get it completed. There are tons of tutorials for making and piecing hexies into projects online. The videos on YouTube were most helpful to me. Making them is quite portable, and I saw where one person was storing her tiny hexies in a mint tin. Sweet. I bought a roll of creme colored hand quilting thread for this project. Then I will sew them down on the towel using the sewing machine. If you like, you can do embroidery on them, or around them for a decorative edge. My oh my, I am hooked!!!!! Lol.


  1. They are in at the moment and they do look like a lot of fun. I have seen them on a lot of sewing blogs. I just saw a neat way to store to. It look like one of the plastic bids for embroidery threads. If I find the blog I will give you the link. I can see how they can look addicting. Just like Yo-yos for me. they look perfect Julie. Have fun.

  2. Here is one of the links. They keep all your hard work safe.

  3. Cool. cant wait to see how they turn out.

  4. Greata project Jule. I am hand quilting an antique quilt made of these hexagons. So if you get bored you can always make a quilt! :)


  5. Mostra quando acabar , tenho certaza que vai ficar lindo.


  6. Interesting! Can't wait to see the finished project.

  7. Thanks everyone! Thanks Bobbie Lynn for the tip and link!!! Good luck, Teri! Such a huge project! I can't imagine!!!

  8. So cute! Wouldn't a bee look right at home with those hexies?

  9. :) I was/am a quilt-a-holic!

  10. Hi Julie,
    Great question. I did look up "drift roses" and saw that they refer to them as ground cover. I look at my catalog from Armstrong Garden and they refer to them as "ground cover" also. Great for large expanses in the garden, mounds and slopes. Looking at some photos, they hug the ground more.

    The ones on my blog are "border" roses and the bush is nice a compact and these two that I have fit great in my narrow bed along the house.
    I hope this helps.
    There are so many different types of roses. I'm just looking at some that are called "florist" collection. Neat!!

  11. And of course I love the African print on them!

  12. I've often seen hexies but haven't tried making them yet. Yours are looking great. Looking forward to seeing further hexie pics too.
