Saturday, July 27, 2013

Roses and summer red, white and blue!

Here are a few rosé shots. I see I have bunches more of yellow ones since I took these pictures a few days ago. It seems all the roses bloom in gang buster amounts all at the same time! Very cool!!!

Here are my blue plumbago, red periwinkles and temporary silver pinwheel standing in for white flowers which I never got planted yet. I need to edge around, add white periwinkles (these are drought resistant plants) and get some kind of border up. I am thinking of a square or rectangular border for a modern feel. What do you think??? This little colorful garden space is down by the front sidewalk and next to driveway easily seen by walkers and drivers alike. It is a pleasing little thing!!!


  1. Your garden is awesome- love seeing it- specially as mine is so tiny with only a few pots - easy to maintain though. Huggles to you and the grands.

  2. Lovely roses, not much flowering here.

  3. Your roses are really pretty. Plumbago is one of my favorite blues in the gardens.

    Have a lovely Sunday and a great week.


  4. Oh so pretty. I have a mini yellow rose too.

  5. Hello Julie,
    I love your mini roses. They look very healthy. What a pretty planter of plumbago and periwinkles. I have not seen a red periwinkle. Need to look for that color. Plumbago is a favorite and it is a reminder of my Great Grandparents. They had one growing outside of their laundry room. Every time I see one growing, it reminds me of them. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  6. Belas rosas, também plantei em um pneu.


  7. Beautiful roses Simone, the Plumbago is one of my favorite flowers. Hugs
