Friday, August 16, 2013

Just a few things!

I was at the theater with the grandkids a few days ago and saw a woman with the cutest little hipster bag. I asked where she had gotten it, and she said Gander Mountain. It was made by KAVU. I knew I would be there before the days end to check out their bags!  I texted hubby to take us to Tall Tales Restaurant at Gander Mountain for dinner that night, and lo and behold he said OK!  We found many sizes, styles and patterns of these KAVU bags. They also had zippered pouches and wallets to match!  Here is my new bag:
And daughter got this little beauty to carry her IPAD and accessories in:
I was thinking of my lovely blogger pal and friend, Shirley, as I made these (my now internet famous rose waffles). I put butter and some organic blackberry preserves on them!  I used very little flour, mostly egg in this recipe, so they tasted more like Swedish pancakes. Delicious!
Here is a sideways photo of Doozey hiding under the covers during a rainstorm last night! Awe! She's such a cutie!
I found these adorable baby shoes for my youngest granddaughter, Audrey, who turns 7 months old on Aug 21. Do you think she will like them? Her Mom loves animal prints, so I know someone in the family will be pleased!
So other than me kinda crushing my car door in my own carport tonight, all is well.  I sure hope a body shop will be open tomorrow as I cannot close the door now. This is serious! Lol. Who knows all the sales I might miss this weekend!


  1. Looks like you are having fun, cute bags, cute shoes, pretty rose cakes, the car door nearly gets lost under all that joy! Hope it won't be too pricy to fix!

  2. Must be the time of year for car/truck problems. The altinator on our truck went out. We were stranded for a little while. Ugh...Luckily not far from home though. Love your new bag. I need a new one. I might have to go shopping. :)

  3. Aqui no sul estamos igual á seu cachorrinho andando até de coberta.


  4. Those bags are great. I'm stuck at the new market stall every weekend now, so I don't get to see new things as much.

  5. how did you make the rose waffles? poor Doozey, my foster Declan doesn't care for storms either.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. HI Julie,
    What a cute bag. Those little shoes are so adorable. My Hubby would love getting his waffles like that. Looks good. Doozey looks so cute all tucked in the covers.
    Hope you have found some indoor activity. We are having some hot weather this weekend. The zinnias and basil love this kind of weather.
    Thanks for your sweet comments and keep cool.
    Bobbie Lynn

  8. Hi Julie *hugs*
    Oh I have not seen you in forever...I should have come to say I'm ok just missing in action because I've been busy with lots of baking going on.

    Love those bags! Both of them. I've never heard of them before...and your little puppy looks a bit scared there. I hope the thunder has all gone by now. Sometimes they go into the showerstalls to hide, poor little ones.

    I'm glad you are well...though your car isn't. Don't you hate when things like that happen? Hope its not expensive and you get it fixed easily.

    have a great day...I'll be back..
    Judi xo

  9. A lot of cute/nice things - but Doozey's my favorite! :-)

  10. Estou alegre por encontrar blogs como o seu, ao ler algumas coisas,
    reparei que tem aqui um bom blog, feito com carinho,
    Posso dizer que gostei do que li e desde já quero dar-lhe os parabéns,
    decerto que virei aqui mais vezes.
    Sou António Batalha.
    Que lhe deseja muitas felicidade e saúde em toda a sua casa.
    PS.Se desejar visite O Peregrino E Servo, e se o desejar
    siga, mas só se gostar, eu vou retribuir seguindo também o seu.
