Friday, September 6, 2013

Jungle Gardening!

A new style of gardening has just emerged at my house! I had moved all my shade loving, more tender plants from the shelves on my front porch to clean, and sat them around down under the shade of my 7 ft. high hibiscus row by the front door. Next thing I know they are THRIVING down there!!! They get enough sun even through the hibiscus, get only water from rain lately, and oh wow.....major discovery! They DON'T NEED ME AT ALL!!!!! Wonderful!!!

Since the hibiscus row is 23 years old, they are thinning a bit at the bottom....especially the side facing the front door! Great. Not so pretty. Well, when I sat those plants down there with a variety of leaf shapes and colors.....I liked it!!!! 

So today, while at Lowes for some totally unrelated item, I picked up three new plants to add! A very cute, lush spider plant, a lovely fall colors croton, and a gorgeous overhanging Hoya!!!! Well, bless my heart, joy has come back to me in the plant world. 

See if you can see all my hiding beauties! There is a pink tipped bromeliad, a succulent plant or two, and another small variegated Hoya, and two different types of pothos.I have always loved Hoyas, but they have NEVER been happy where I have had them before!

So welcome to my little jungle garden!!!!

This is fun!!!!!!
Still looking forward to cool, dry air here in south Florida! Waiting for fall.
What do you think of my little jungle garden? Where is your most interesting garden area? Would love to have you leave me a link to photos of your favorite areas!


  1. HI Julie,
    I love your little jungle area. Your plants look very healthy looking. I have to do the same here in my patio area. I have a few that do not like the direct sun or too much heat.
    Have a good weekend and keep cool.
    Bobbie Lynn

  2. You certainly have a lush, tropical, mini jungle. It all looks good.

    I am so ready for fall weather too. This heat and humidity is awful. We are having a thunderstorm to the east of us as I write this morning.

    Have a nice weekend ~ FlowerLady

  3. My garden looks very tired right now. It has been so dry here and hot as well. The driest August in 30 years the weather people say. Your jungle looks fabulous. I put all of my house plants except one out during summer. Of course I leave the terrariums inside year round. I hope you are having a good weekend.

  4. Love it . . . you'll have to keep me posted on that hoya. I had one, but either gave it to my mom or it died (probably the later). I have about 15 and there's one or two I just can't grow. I'm thinking that might be one of them. It doesn't like wet feet.

  5. O jardim com certeza é o meu cantinho preferido da casa , as suas plantinhas estão muito bem!lindas.


  6. Plants are happy. You're happy. Sounds like a win win situation to me.

  7. Why not put those plants outside? I've pretty much given up on most houseplants, although my mother-in-law's tongue is looking like it's about to bust out of its pot, which isn't too surprising:) I like that pink-tipped brom. It looks like a lady who's just had her nails painted.
