Thursday, October 17, 2013

Been stayin busy.....

Sorry it has been a while since I posted. I had this post half completed before going out to dinner for my birthday with my brother and SIL tonight! Had to do this tonight to show off the gifts they gave me, which were just THE BEST!

Here is my newest granddaughter, Audrey, now 8 months old. Below she is checking out the menu at Juno Fish House. I thought she might order one of everything there for a minute! ;)

Here she is over visiting and she absolutely LOVED the hand carved toys by my friend, Mary at PokeberryPatch. They are made with food grade wax coloring so safe for little mouths! They were her favorite toys and fit her little hands so perfectly! Thanks again, Mary!

Here are the older grands, Donovan and Emily building a dam in the driveway! We had just gotten new fence sections at the front sides of the house, and prior to that we had to remove all the jasmine that was all over the old chain link. I know, I wanted to cry! Anyway, they gathered up some of the left over twigs, and made this little dam. Donovan was so excited that it was slowing the flow of water from the hose! One of those Hallmark moments!
Here they are running around just before they flooded the driveway and played in giant mud puddles requiring Grandma Julie to give immediate tubs baths after all the folly!!!!  My neighbor has such fun out there with them, too!!!
Now I had to get a picture of this rare moment of cooperation where they watched the same show on Netflix on daughters IPAD for all of 3 whole minutes! :)
Now this is the latest addition to this post. We went to this devine little Italian restaurant, called Divino's in North Palm Beach/Juno. Never have I had food like this before! It was heaven, that's all I can tell you! Thanks bro and sis!!!!!!!

These are surprises they brought me!  A huge Vera Bradley tote in one of my favorite patterns!!!!!!!!!!!! Just in time for a few trips coming up too! It is a dreamy bag with loads of space and just so gorgeous!!!!!!!
The book in the middle is a journal with succulent plants doodled inside and out! It seriously took my breath away!!!!! Maybe my EDM's can go in here! Well, actually they will!!!!! I will be so inspired now!!!
Here is the cutest little thing! A flower press!!!!!! It says on the box that it is perfect size to tuck in a backpack or book bag!!!!! OMG! This is so sweet. I have never had a flower press!!!!!  It is called a Petite Posy Press.....(and under that it says ever so sweetly "preserve prized petals"). Nearly makes you cry. This baby is going in my handbag so that I will be ever ready to preserve my petals! You seriously never know when you will come upon one! I am not being silly. I am serious. This has become my new hobby! Starting now!  
One of my favorite candy bars, made by Nestle, but only in Canada! They bring them home for me and I'm sure it is how I keep my dainty, girlish figure!!!!
Now check out this card my SIL made! She makes them from photos she takes! This photo is stunning!
So, other than these delicious happenings, I have had a second accident with my car, and no one was in it when it happened. My car was parked at a shopping center and a semi truck took out my rear taillight and bumper!  Luckily he came forward and is taking care of the costs. Let me tell you, if someone hits you, make sure you know the costs of repairs before you let them walk away. I figured it might cost 50-100 dollars to repair, but due to the cost of the taillight assembly, it cost 750 bucks! And I am not even repairing the bumper. 

We have finished turning a back bedroom into a home office for my husband, (from a purple princess room). Big changes there. We had rotting wood in door frame to outside, and needed room painted and doors put on closet.

Then had wood scraped by hand to prep for painting in our carport. Just the prep between pressure washing and hand scraping took two full days for 2 young men. 

Now we are having the lower portion of screen room closed in to make it critter-proof. No more snakes or opossums in there!!!!! Thank you very much!!!!!

Oh and another thing. We just upgraded (at least I think it was an upgrade) to a Windows 8 desktop computer. So far I am not so keen on the APPS and wish it opened up directly to the desktop! There may be a way to configure it, and if anyone knows how, please let me know!!!!!  

Hope everyone is well. Leave me a comment and tell me how you are doing. Love all my blogger peeps! Love your blogs, and love ya'll too!

God bless!


  1. Earlier today, I was wondering how you were doing, it had been almost a week since your last post... plus my birthday was Tuesday, and I remembered yours was right around there too, but I couldn't remember exactly when... anyway, happy birthday! Score on that journal... it's perfect for you. And you've never pressed flowers? You'll like it, I'm sure.

  2. Happy birthday, Julie! Love the tote bag. I'll try to send you a proper email tomorrow.

  3. My goodness, A lot happening in your life. What great gifts. Again, Happy birthday.

  4. She looks exactly like Emily- wow, they are cousins now sisters is that right? Amazing- what a little cutie patootie.

  5. OMG, is that new grand a sister to Emily? They look so much alike and they are both so cute.
    Maybe you need to get a bike Julie but then again maybe you are safer in a car when you are not in it.

  6. souly-B..... these three grandkids are all siblings!
