Sunday, December 8, 2013

I've got butternut squash!

Here are my butternut squash plants! Lookin good!
Check out the flowers!
Can you see the tiny butternut under the flower bud?
This is fun!
I really thought the plants would vine down all over the ground since they are planted two tires high, but they haven't and I am wondering what I can do. There are a ton of buds popping up, and no room in a tire to support big ol butternuts!!!  Does anyone know if I can transplant them into the ground at this stage?

I have a party dip to share with you.
I took it to a party last night. I got this recipe when I was in Iowa a few weeks ago. This was the third time I've made it since I got back, if that tells you anything!!! Hehehe.
Mix one block of cream cheese with very finely chopped green pepper and either onion or shallots. I used about 1/5th of a green pepper, and a very small bit of sweet onion (maybe like equivalent to a 1 inch square. Then you take the smallest can of crushed pineapple and put it in a strainer and squeeze the crud out of it until you can't squeeze any more juice out. Then dump the pineapple in with the other ingredients and mix well. It tastes better if you make it a few hours to a day ahead so everything has time to marry together. I just love this stuff and it has been a hit wherever it goes! I serve with Wheat Thin crackers. 

Happy Holidays!


  1. Hi Julie,

    this guy's idea might work for supporting your squash plants:

    p.s. I def want to mix up your dip recipe for my Christmas company!

  2. Your gardening brings hope to those of us that have snow and cold right now! And your dip sounds really good and it is so easy - thanks for sharing!

  3. You are making me hungry with all this talk of food.
