Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A little bouquet, and new seeds planted!

Hello to everyone! 

Hope you all had nice weekends! Here it is Monday. I have just finished unpacking from visiting my cousin on the other side of the state, and I went out to see the condition of the tire garden, and found I had a WHITE mini rose! It rarely blooms, so I decided to cut it, and a few other roses and zinnias for a windowsill bouquet! So sweet! Here are two views in different lighting.
I like this dark background! Very dramatic!!!
I am excited to have found theseCalifornia Giant Zinnia seeds!!!!! From Ace Hardware, of all places! I just sowed them into a 5 gallon bucket. The package says to space them 10 inches apart, but I am leaving them all in the bucket together and we will just see what happens! I like a flashy grouping! May the strongest ones win!!!!
Hope everyone has a great week. I am planning some summertime fun over the coming weeks!!

Thanks for stopping by the blog!



  1. Hi julie, love the bright colours of the flowers they are so dramatic on that dark background. Lovely..

  2. Hi Julie,
    I just love your bouquet. So colorful.
    Maybe you will have luck growing California zinnia in Florida. My seeds will not sprout. I may have to buy a new packet this weekend. Maybe the seeds are old? or maybe it's not their year for them in my garden.
    Thanks for sharing and happy sowing.

  3. Your bouquet is gorgeous. What a nice way to be welcomed home, a white rose. I like the idea of "easy to grow".

  4. I love zinnias, they attract a lot of butterflies!
