Saturday, September 27, 2014

Strawberry kitty!

OK! Just as I suspected, Emily wanted more kitties of all different colors! This one is Strawberry Kitty!!!
I made her from the same gal who published the basic kitty pattern here:
 The tail is the leafy end! So cute!!!!!
Strawberry, and Rainbow have become best buds!
I'm getting a bit hooked on crochet!!!!
I was always stumped by it, and the only thing I can think is that I came upon patterns that were very well written out, and I also utilize YOUTUBE to find out how to do stitches I don't know or can't remember! That has been invaluable to help me learn.  I wonder what will be next!



  1. Those are just the cutest thing ever

  2. Cute! It is so easy to get 'hooked' on crocheting. I learned how when I was 15, that's 50 years ago and I'm still doing it.

    Have a nice Sunday ~ FlowerLady

  3. Those kitties are so cute! I'm hooked on crochet too. YouTube videos sure are helpful and I find a lot of patterns on

  4. Of course she wanted more. She wants a rainbow of colors.

  5. A collection of cuties!
    Isn't YouTube great!
