Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My first pillowcase!

AND...this one has french seams, which means you have no exposed seams throughout the inside or outside of the case!!!  It's ultra cool!  It was my test pillow. I used some of my Princess Tiana fabric, and had left overs of the pink flannel for the cuff, and the pink and white checks for the trim.  I have to say I think it turned out really great!  It is from the tutorial by my great inspirational leader and confidence builder, Vanessa at Crafty Gemini.  The only pillows I had were king sized.  Not sure how that happened, but I guess I need some new standard sized ones!  So the end of the king pillow is sticking out, otherwise it would look more normal on a standard.  You can get the idea though.
And a close up.  I love that pink check trim with the dainty pink lined soft flannel.  Sorry the sun was streaming down on the pillow!
Thanks again Crafty Gemini!  I'm on my way to making more!
Here is the tutorial:


  1. What a great pillowcase you made! Thanks for sharing the idea and instructions. A dear friend's granddaughter is really into Frozen - will see if I can pick up some of that fabric and make her a pillowcase for nap time at her Grandma's house.

  2. It sure did turn out beautiful and pattern is wonderful!
    You are on a roll!

  3. This is just darling. I have always wondered how french seams were made.

  4. I thought I left a message but it isn't on here...I will try again. It is a good project. I think you Granddaughter will love this. Learning how to do a French Seam is great. I have often wondered how they are made.

  5. Love the fabric and Frozen is hot at the moment. What a perfect gift for your sweet Grand-daugther.
    Oh, I just saw your new blog photo. love it. : )
    Almost the weekend, yay!

  6. Love the pillow case, the fabric is lovely and the checked piece really makes the colors stand out.

  7. Congratulations Julie you are going from strength to strengh. Love that princess fabric.

  8. You know, making your own pillowcases is one of the few economical sewing projects left... with comercial cases being as pricey as they are nowadays. My grandmother always made them from the 'good spots' of worn sheets, Good job. Your granddaughter will love them.

  9. Beautiful and I bet you have one happy granddaughter :-)
