Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New succulent tire-hotel ...

A new tire garden is set up for the new plants from California!

Some big beautiful bugs already came for a visit!!!

The California succulents are happy in their new Florida home!!! The only one left is the big aeonium, which will get it's new home under semi shade tomorrow...and I will plant up the misc. leaves that fell off during transport!


  1. You create such beauty with the lowly tire! I love them all.

  2. How pretty! You did a great job Julie. Love the bugs!

  3. They are so cute looking, Julie. Like a little oasis of adventure (for bugs little or big!).

  4. OOOH I love the Ladybug Party!

  5. They look so pretty with those colorful little rocks. Your inspiring me to expand my succulent collection.

    p.s. love the little critters too.

  6. I LOVE the giant lady bugs!

  7. I thought I had found the ID for your Curly Q plant, Julie...Albuca circinata...so I came back looking for your pic to see if it was a match. No! Bummer! Yours has lines (windows) & the Albuca doesn't. So, I'm still leaning toward Senecio 'Himalaya' (I think I have one & it gets curly tips sometimes).
    Hope this link isn't too long:
