Saturday, April 5, 2008

Thoughts for today

This morning I got my extra leaves planted up, so I can hopefully get some new plants out of them. I'm content now that this is done. One of the leaves is already putting out roots and new leaves! WOW! Aren't plants amazing? I keep thinking about going to school for a degree in horticulture. They offer one at the local community college. I just recieved my copy of "The Leaflet", the Mounts Botanical Garden quarterly publication, and I see they just hired a real good looking young man, who recieved this same degree from this same school. I am, at this stage of life...thinking about my retirement. I think at that point, when it actually happens, I would like to have a change of career...or work. Something fun, happy, physical, sunshiny, and fresh! Fresh air. Breathing room. No heavy deadlines, or crises, or heartfelt decisions or sadnesses. Just fun freedom. Well...I think I will go look at the curriculum right now. What else do I have to do with my last child graduating from high school in a few weeks!

Here is a close up of that front right leaf in above pic, where you can see the new growth! Yee-haw! The poor leaf looks half beat to death, but it still manages to proliferate! Should have a real purdy new plant in no time at all!


  1. As a former workaholic retired HR exectuive, I can attest to the fact that horticulture is more fun.
    From the job you describe, working in a garden center or nursery taking care of plants would be perfect. As long as you don't need a lot of income!

  2. Never too old to learn something new Julie. If that's what your heart desires--go for it.

  3. Yeah, a horticulture degree would be fun. Good luck on it!

  4. Oh wow, that's really cool! Do you water the leaves regularly? Can you give us some tips on how you care for your leaves and how long it took for the leaves to sprout? No doubt it's your tropical climate that helps. We're supposed to get into the 80s over the next couple days, so the plants will be happy. Okay, I better go get ready for work!

  5. Kelly- this leaf was just a leaf all alone in the box that I had taken out and laid on my kitchen counter for 3-4 days before I did anything with it! All of the spare leaves just laid there. When I went to plant them, this one red one, called Echeveria Black Prince, had these little leaves on it already, along with some roots!!! It was great...a real thriving guy!!! Anyway, I watered them when I put them all in their pots of succulent soil, and not really since. I will be curious what happens with the other leaves...I think they are some sort of graptoveria. None of them had any roots at all, so we shall see!!!
