Sunday, April 6, 2008

Huernia schneideriana!!!

OK...Here she is! It is a very small flower, has a sort-of starfish shape, but not really! Very unassuming, and a little disappointing to me, really. But good things come in small packages, right??? LOL. I GUESS I can appreciate her beauty!!! I will try to chipper up now, and put on my happy face! Have a lovely Sunday everybody!


  1. Nice flower! Does it have a smell?
    I'm going with the schneideriana. Look at this one. It looks just like yours. The pads and the flower bud looks the same too.

  2. WOW...that is definately my plant, Cindy! I kinda like the name Red Dragon it really is a schneideriana! It is so nice to finally know!!! Thanks for that site.

  3. Very dramatic for such a little bloomer!

  4. That looks like what I knew as a stapelia when I was a kid. Ours had yellowish flowers with maroon speckles and smelled bad

  5. Congrats! Mine looked like that too. It smelled like old moldy gym socks.


  6. Woohoo! It's a gorgeous red bloomer! I'm glad to see the name panned out.

  7. It looks like some kind of cactus flower but I can't tell you which one. It IS a beauty though!

  8. Except for the flower, it looks like what I knew as stapelia in high school. It had yellow flowers with maroon spots and smelled bad.

  9. Wow, that's a great flower. Does is smell good or bad? I know Staplias have stinky flowers that attract flies.

  10. This is a lot prettier than some Huernia flowers. Their habit of having flowers down near the bottom of the stems is interesting. I wonder why they do that. I've never read anything on the reason--and there's always a reason!

  11. Kelly-I did not smell any odor from this flower!

    Aiyana- Yes, this is a strange thing. I noticed it on the photos I found online too (regarding the flowers).

  12. Oh neat, it opened! It sure is pretty. I need to get myself one of these plants. I just love the little starfish shaped flowers.
