Saturday, June 28, 2008

Good Saturday morning!

I am sitting here watching the sun come up this morning out my back window...something I get to do most days as I drink my coffee and snuggle with my Doozey! I made this ATC in honor of my little doggy. It is not her picture that I used, but a chihuahua from an old chi calendar...this one kinda looks like mine, but Doozey doesn't have the white on her nose. Anyway, I had to share this ATC here too, because of it's significance. Home Sweet Home, here in the United States. Where we are so blessed to have food to eat, and my heart goes out to the people in Haiti and other world locations who do not. It is in the moments like these, where we realize how TRUELY blessed we are in our fortunate circumstances, and watching a sunrise, and knowing it is also happening for people all over the globe, and I am praying that everyone who is hungry has a quality meal today, and that their situation can improve somehow. I also think of the U.S. Military, and how so many of them are far away from home and going through so much, and I hope and pray they will all be home soon, and this war can end. NOW. little ATC brings all of these thoughts to my head, as I sit here with my doggy and watching the sun come up again, over my back fence!
I pray you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Happy Saturday to you too...

    Isn't it amazing how much the animals we have become part of our lives...

  2. I was sitting there with you sharing your wonderful Saturday morning thoughts! Good coffee too :)

  3. It's a lovely ATC and some great sentiments. Hope you have a great weekend too!

  4. Very cute ATC!

    What a beautiful and heartfelt post, Julie. I often think along the same lines and we do have so much to be grateful for.
