Saturday, August 23, 2008

A big surprise !

I had ordered my wildflower seed packet from Burt's Bees a few months ago, and had since heard that they had run out!

Well, I had a great surprise in the mail today...they arrived! I went to the website again tonight and they have posted that they have, indeed run out of seeds! I must have received one of their last packets! I will have to wait until mid-October to plant them here.
I am so excited to possibly influence the bee population in some small way! I will also be planting my Zinnias, and Cleomes.
The Burt's Bees packet has all of the following flowers inside:
Calendula, Shasta Daisy, Lance-Leaved Coreopsis, Plains Coreopsis, Purple Coneflower and Sweet William Catchfly...if anyone wants to reproduce what they sent out, and plant your own as well.
They sent out over 50,000 seed packets which equals MILLIONS of flowers being planted across the country. YEAHHHHH!!!

Photo credit:


  1. aren't you just the luckiest girl! I may have to do that mix in my alley bed next year!

  2. oh! i wish i had known about that! how awesome. i'll be sure to look for some of those seeds. there were a couple bees in our backyard and i've been following them around a little trying to see what they're attracted to so i can plant some more to make them happy haha.

  3. my 75 pansy can cans that i had ordered came yesterday, so i will get planting too. why aren't there more people like you who care about this world? sigh...

  4. and btw omg i just love your succulent tyre garden that you have as your 'header' above's magnificent.

  5. Congrats! And I love the new header. Vickie

  6. My bees seem quite happy with the rosemary. I have been trying to encourage butterflies. Does Burt have any suggestions?

  7. Soul Brush- Thanks for your compliment. This is actually an old pic but I thought it looked quite colorful for the top of the blog! I'm gonna go see what the pansy can cans look like! Sounds sexy! LOL

    Vickie- Thanks!

    Carolie- I guess anything that flowers will attract plant on, girl!

    Tootsie- that would be awesome to fill an alley with flowers!

  8. Great shot Julie!! You should be having lots of fun with these.

    Forgot to mention how bright and happy your header is!

  9. You got lucky with the seeds. The pic of the bee is pretty awesome. Great job.

  10. Mr. Brown Thumb- the photo is from the Burt's Bees website. :)
    I am so glad I got my little sweet packet of seeds...can't wait till October to plant!
