Saturday, January 24, 2009

Not much new!

I haven't posted much lately...not much going on here. I have accomplished more around the house, and had a few doctor appt's...just normal stuff...been busy at work. Just haven't done anything artistic, and not much to show in regard to my succulent plants.

Today a friend and I went to the South Florida Fair where we saw some neat stuff. I really enjoyed the Chinese acrobats, the animals from Australia...Wallabys, and Kookabura were neat! I had a delicious banana and Nutella crepe! Saw some people dressed like penguins doing funny dives into a big pool of water, some absolutely gorgeous roosters! We watched pig races, and had a corn dog. I bought some stuff too...4 CD's of absolutely restful and exquisite acoustic guitar music, some Watkins pain relieving spray (which I intend to stray on my legs when I get home in tbe evenings after standing all day), and I am planning to go online to look at these other fun things like stuffed pads that can be heated in the cover different parts of the body...all in cute patterned fabrics...I need one for my sore shoulder, which I have somehow strained. was a fun day. Tomorrow is grocery shopping, and hopefully mostly sitting around doing nothing day! LOL. I have to decide on a Cactus Monday idea! What will it be?????


  1. Yeah, not too much really going on here either.

    as for those stuffed pads... we used to make them with a sock or flannel filled with rice. Heat them in the microwave, and they stay nice and hot for an hour at least... but they're probably not as nice as the ones you can buy.

  2. Sounds like you have been having a good time. You need to rest when you can you work so hard.

  3. glad you okay and just 'be'ing.
    mmm cactus monday, will need your help tomorrow....

  4. WHAT???? NO photos of the diving penguines and the Chinese acrobats? Where was your camera girl? I drive my family crazy because my digicam goes EVERYWHERE with me. In fact, when I take photos they often say "do not put that on your blog thing", LOL.

    About the heat up thing for your body. I am sure y9ou can find instrucitons online, and I know you CAN sew, a coworkers just uses a long sock (like a tube sock) and fills it with whatever (rice, beans) it heats in the microwave, is cheap, and the sock can be unknotted and washed. I thought was clever.

  5. You have more energy than anyone I know!!I bet you won't sit very long after buying gro.!!I love the heated pads- they do work!

  6. Julie, do you keep a website with all of your drawings? They are awe inspiring. You should consider selling them. I would love a doggie cactus Monday!

  7. I wondered what happened to you.

    Sounds like a fun day.

  8. Banana and Nutella crepe? Sounds good to me : ) Have a great week.

  9. P. S. On the strained shoulder. If it does not get any better in a week maybe you should call your doctor. I had a strained shoulder about a year ago. I thought I knew better and just decided not to use it so much and it would get better on its own. Well, this went on for a couple of months and one morning I could not move my arm, at all. Very painful. I had to get some rehab for the arm and I was back to normal in a few months. I do not want to panic you, but just a word of caution.

  10. Glad you enjoyed your day out Julie:)

  11. we use wheat packs/bags here. apparently, wheat has excellent insulation qualities and can be heated in the microwave for hot packs or in the freezer for cold packs. i love mine!

    it sounds like you had a great time and i'm glad you liked seeing some of our aussie animals. :)
