Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cactus or succulent seed challenge!

Hey...would anyone like to do a little seed challenge??? In other words, if you are having any desire at all to try growing either cactus or succulents from seed...maybe you are wanting to produce some exotic variety or just to experiment and see what happens? I have been having an urge to give it a try. It is something I have never done before (in the succulent world anyway). So, if it sounds like fun, and you guys would want to try it and we could post pics as we get anything going...(hopefully we will)...let's do it! Do a google search for Cactus seeds, and see what you find. I was thinking of using the Cactus and Succulent Society, as they have a Seed Depot, but their site will not work with Internet Explorer... you can send your order in by mail to them, and the address is there for you. The nice thing here is that the seeds are all donated by members and you will be fairly sure that what you order is what you will get. I like that it is all member run. Then there is a place called Seedman, that looks quite good. There are more. If anyone is interested in doing this, let me know and we can keep up with each other progress on the blogs!


  1. i love your new blog look, julie!

    i'm not sure i can get on board with this new venture, especially since australia has very strict quarantine protocols, but i can certainly enjoy watching everyone from the sidelines ~ :)

  2. I don't have luck growing things from seed Julie. I will watch and see what happens. I do have a Echeveria that makes blooms. I will watch for seeds and see what happens this time.

  3. Oh, I'm definitely sprouting some seeds, possibly over the winter to go outside next summer. I'm not particularly happy with seedman... his seeds are probably fine, but I'm specifically looking for winter hardy ones, which means that I have to know the exact species, and sometime the exact variety. I've found a couple of dealers on-line that keep track of that stuff...

  4. The new backgoround is beautiful!

  5. Funny you should mention that, I have 3 cactus seedlings that are so small I have to use a magnifying glass to see them, but it only took a week for them to start growing.
    They are very slow in growing, I can't photograph them just yet because they are so tiny! Ha Ha

  6. I already have my cacti that I seeded three years ago! I guard them with my life. I can't wait to see your project take off!

  7. I know I've already left a comment, but I've been meaning to ask... way back in May, you posted about the huge prickly pear that got cut down, then was re-sprouting... you had a pad that you'd planted in your front yard, I was wondering if it had ever started to show any growth. I remembered it, because I was cutting some of the nopales off mine to put in soup for my dinner, and I thought I'd ask...

  8. Julie,
    Need some ferocactus seeds? I have some!

  9. my family of cactuses are just 'there' they do nothing...don't grow, no blooms, you will see on cactus monday...just don't think they like the british weather!!

  10. Lisa- I know how you feel, Lisa...but something tells me I can do succulent seeds for some reason! LOL...I hope I am right!

    Aiyana- I would love some Ferocactus seeds...I will e-mail you!

    Claude- I glanced at the cactus pad I planted in my front garden as I was coming in the door today and I do not see any growth yet...

    Cathy- I bet they are so teeney...that is the problem, isn't it...just waiting and waiting and waiting!!!!! LOL!

    Tootsie- where can I find pics of your seeded cactus ???

  11. Now we will need a Seed Sunday for cactus seeds. lol Sounds like a fun idea.

  12. Yes, I want to try this eventually, after I successfully propagate a mountain of succulents, hahaha... I am doing so mainly to start new plants for new decorative planters that I want to sell and give as gifts.... Have you tried this idea yet? If so, let me know how it goes.
