Saturday, July 18, 2009

Succulents and a Soulbrushesque painting!

Here are a few of my succulents...I'm not sure what these are called and I am too lazy to look them up tonight. I have been cleaning and arranging for the arrival of my kids from Germany on Thursday, all day today and I am exhausted!

I went to visit a friend in the hospital today and found these paintings by Gerri Aurre, and this particular one of a baby made me think of Soulbrush, who's paintings share many of the same characteristics. I wanted to let her see, because of her little granddaughter, Maggie! It just made me think of you Souly-B!!!!!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


  1. WEE HAW! I know you're looking forward to those grand-babies.

    But, try not to spoil them too much... (Yeah, right, like I'm gonna say that with a straight face) And even though you'll be busy, try not to forget your blogger friends...

  2. Aw, such a sweet painting. It reminds of Soul's Maggie.

    WHOOHOO, the kids are coming home!!! So exciting!!

  3. How exciting to have your own babies coming home...and sweet painting of the baby...yes, just like little Maggie Rae.

  4. i love the new background colour of your blog...woo hoo, grandbabies, yours and mine...cute little painting...notice i'v never tried to paint maggie (yet). thanks for posting this, such fun...hugs to you gran.

  5. What fun looking forward to the arrival of your family. Yes, I can see how that painitng would remind you of Soul and Maggie.
