Friday, April 9, 2010

Garden Pony (Doozey), some spectacular roses, and Moms Amaryllis!

Look at this!!! Mom and I went out to a garden center yesterday and found these unbelievable roses, labelled GOLD METAL. They start out like yellow tea roses and as they open they get lighter, but they do it in a sort of clumping fashion where you see them at all levels of opening up! WOW! I am still recovering from shock after seeing these!!!

Here is Moms Amaryllis...all in the pot are open and I say they are in a fairy ring! They must like crowded roots, cause this pot is busting open! They must get divided this year, without fail. Are they not gorgeous?????

And last, but not little garden pony, Doozey....covered with hitchhikers! (Click on photo to see better). She was really bothered by them being on her, so I picked them all off (quite a job, I tell ya)...I'm not sure if they are toxic to animals, or just played it safe! My little dolly doggie is # 1. I love her so....


  1. What gorgeous roses and those Amaryliss are over the top!! Poor puppy, glad she has such a good mom..

  2. That rose is unusual. The amarylis are beautiful. What a pot full. Poor Doozy. Did he walk through some sticktights or something like that?

  3. Oh, ouch, poor Doozey. I know she loves you for getting them off.

    Yes, those blooms are gorgeous!!

  4. Oh Doozey. Poor girl : ( Momma to the rescue. I have seen Gold Metal here and I was going to buy one but I have already too many yellow. But I is a pretty, pretty rose. The while one it pretty too. Thanks for sharing. Give Doozey girl a kiss for me.

  5. Those roses are friggen gorgeous! Doozey is adorable as always. BTW I did a 'Mega Post' a few days ago about my Adenium arabicum. Just in case you missed it they are adorable. :) I can't get over those roses, they're the nicest I've seen in a quite while.

  6. Wow! The Gold Metal roses and your mom's "fairy ring" of amaryllis are fantastic. Can't stop looking at the photos.

    Your little dolly doggie #1 is so cute and I'm glad you're so good to him.


  7. Love the colour of the roses too!!

  8. aaaw poor little doozey baby,give her lotsa big hugs from me. snuffs hates things sticking to her too.

  9. Astounding blooms! Wow, thanks for sharing. I've never had roses before. Glorious!!!
    Oh poor Doozey. You're such a good mama.

  10. Oooooohhhhh! Those Amaryllis blooms are amazing!

    I can't wait to put out my bulbs for the season and let them get really big in the ground.

  11. awww poor Doozey got beggar's lice on her. i HATE those things because they are so hard to remove from clothing. they stick the the dog's puppias.

  12. OMG WOW those roses! there aren't words to describe them, so I am very glad you posted such beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.

    Doozey you are beautiful too!
