Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sunflower surprise!

Look what popped up suddeenly over the top of my back fence! Thanks neighbors!!! Woo-hoo!!!


  1. Oh what nice neighbors!!! Beautiful sunnies.

  2. Is that one of those bolivian sunflowers? I've seen a bunch of those at the Jacksonville Zoo.

  3. Rainforest Gardener- Oh really got me on that question! I did a search for Bolivian Sunflower, and found out that these are not those, but just a regular sunflower garden plant...but I did find out that the "Mexican Sunflowers" I have all along the side front yard (used as a screen to the neighbors house) are the BOLIVIAN ones! I found an extremely interesting article by Univ. of Florida Agriculture about the dangers of clumping and spreading. Mine are very well manicured most of the time, and they have clumped, but no babies yet. It will happen though, as I have recieved transplants from my mom where babies have come up! I really enjoyed learning about the plant, which goes by many different nicknames, of which "Mexican Sunflower" is one.
    Thanks for asking!!! :)

  4. Hi Julie!!
    Woo hoo indeed!!!!!!

    While we are waiting for spring (back in Holland) you have summer already!!!

    Nice to get surprised like that!!!!


  5. I love that kind of sunflower plant that has many blooms rather than just one giant one. Pretty pictures!

  6. This looks like something you would see at the end of summer here.

  7. Wow!! I think sunflowers are very "happy" looking :)

    Did you get your cards??
    Those Iris' below are freaking amazing!!!!

  8. I would bake those neighbors a pie! What a treat. Fantastic, happy post. Thank you!!!

  9. Oh wow I think I need to come over and paint in your back yard.
