Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Donovan art and summer gardens...

Donovan and I decided to create houses yesterday from construction paper, and added stuff as we saw fit. Here he is with his house. He is looking kinda tired in this photo. (The other things he did yesterday were PLAYED BALL, HIT THE TETHERBALL WITH HIS DAD, RAN AROUND OUTSIDE, JUMPED ON A BIG MATTRESS EXPECIALLY FOR THAT, DANCED AND JUMPED WHILE PLAYING WIII, AND MORE! No wonder he looks so worn out here...he wore me out!!!
I'm glad he also likes to sit sometimes (rare), and a little more quietly, do art. He loves to cut and paste...just like Grandma Julie!!!

Getting ready for summer in the front garden. Here is my cactus that started from one pad from a tree cut down a year or so ago in my neighborhood...it is really growing now that our watering restrictions have gone from 2 up to 3 days a week that we CAN water now. Yeah. Things are looking so much happier!!!

I finally pulled out all my dead old collards from the tires they were in, and now I have dirt ready for flowers. Nothing can take the summer heat but Vincas, so I am thinking of just filling them with these until October, when the heat fades and I can change to some lovely flowers...all different kinds...OR maybe just a lot of mixed seeds...and have a cutting garden! That would be so fun! You know how I like my fun!!! LOL.
Happy summer!


  1. Yes the little guy is tired from all of the construction it took to build that house, cute! I also love vinca, great for the hot spots.

  2. Watering restrictions in Florida, I had no idea. Looks like you and Donovan had fun making art houses. Donovan's zinnias (in posts below) are amazing! I planted zinnia seeds and none came up. Maybe I should try Vincas. :)

  3. Aw...he does look tuckered out! Building houses is hard work.

    What is that cactus "tree" you've got growing? I love the vinca by the way. It does well in our hot weather too!

    Have a great day, my friend!

  4. Sweet, precious time with little ones is lifes best reward!

  5. I love your tyres. Now they are going to bd filled with flowers! Yeah! Good thing Donovan is so active. Better than an active video game control thumb!

  6. It wears me out just reading about all of D's activity. Whew. Your vinca will do the trick in that hot sun.

  7. Julie,
    I would be more then happy to send you some of our water. It has been raining so much around here that I have forgotten what the sun looks like and my solar batteries are all wearing thin. Especially my inner solar battery. How about a trade your sunshine for my rain. Oh yea, it comes complete with slugs. Heheh.
    I absolutely love your succulent gardens.
    Thank you so much for your kind comments at my blog. I appreciate them

  8. Chris- the cactus is a spineless (no thorns) variety of Opuntia (Prickly Pear)!

  9. Awwww....he does look a little worn out in the pic, doesn't he? It's wonderful that you and Donovan do crafty stuff together. What a joy for you. I love that Aaron has the same interests in art and craft as I do too.
