Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Planted flower tire gardens!

Well, I accomplished my goal of planting my tires this morning!!! Yeah!!! I got all the flowers at Lowes...cheating I suppose...but I wanted instant gratification! No time for seeds...

In random order (cause I am lazy)...are a few views. The flowers are yellow and orange (mmmmm...my favorite color) orange zinnias, white and red vincas, variegated coleus, and a red coleus, and purple salvia! The actual nursery guy helped me with a taller purple plant that could take full sun all summer and keep blooming. I sure hope it holds true! I know the zinnias will not last the whole summer, but my hope is that all the other plants will be much fuller by then and I won't have any worries.

I really like the taller purple salvia! I put the taller plants in the backs of the tires in relation to my view out the kitchen window...

Do you think the butterlies will be attracted to the red vinca and the salvia??? Please continue to ignore the horrid condition of the grass on this side of the house...it is slowly filling in with more reguar water and fertilizer! I had moved things around, too, so you see bare spots from where things had been sitting...like Buddha and my strewberry pot! Weeds will be slowly worked on as well in these areas, and another application of Weed and Feed very soon!!!

I adore coleus!!! All of these plants with three days of water from my sprinklers should do OK. I will be watching closely each morning when I go out to water the all of the vegie gardens too!!!


  1. How pretty! I enjoy coleus too, I used to have them under a tree and so they would survive the summer with two drinks a day, but they were gorgeous! The purple salvia is going to love the sun and heat!

  2. Oh my goodness Julie, I love them. I haven't planted a thing yet, because it is just now drying out around here. Your tires are just darling. Thanks for sharing.

  3. You know, a single tire planted with annuals would look cheesy to me, but a whole drift of tires actually looks pretty cool! much more intentional looking. The taller purple plant is a coleus and I'm sure it will do great!

  4. Your tyre gardens are so pretty, Julie!

    Btw, thanks for the wonderful advice re. hot black tea for my asthma. I had been drinking hot green tea or coffee as I don't normally drink black tea. However, with you mentioning that black tea was best, I switched from green to black and I do believe it made a big difference. THANK YOU!

  5. Your flowers should do ok with your water limits. They will fill in nice in no time.

  6. I always love your tire gardens but I don't think I have seen them all together-gosh, they are so striking!

  7. so pretty... I too am an instant gratification-type gardener! :) Thanks so much for stopping by and saying hi!

  8. looking good... I do hope there's a Cemetary cactus somewhere in there...

  9. Your tire garden is beautiful now, but I can't wait to see it in a few weeks. Zinnias are a favorite of mine. I hope they bloom thier little hearts out for you!

  10. Claude- You are killin me man!!! Both of my cactus' are still in my screenroom!!! I swear, I will get them in the tire gardens in full sun ASAP!!! I promise!!!!!

  11. Really beautiful. I like the collection of coleus you planted.
