Thursday, June 3, 2010

EDM #1

EDM #1- Draw a shoe.

I was inspired most by my blogging pal in Australia, Messyfish, to try doing Every Day Matters. I will do them as I can, but started with #1 just as Messyfish has done most recently.

I just picked up a pencil and started while sitting here in my couch position (or should I say couch potato position)! This is what I came up with ...a pic of one of my daughter's peep-toe shoes. It's a cute shoe in real life! You can see that I need a good eraser, as the red one on the end of my #2 pencil left horrific marks. I am not worried about it because, these exercises are to inspire more creativity...and I believe this has done it for me (at least for the next day or two)! We shall see, but I hope it sticks and I can keep going with these challenges...just for fun......


  1. Cute shoe!
    Magic Rub erasers have long been my favorite.

  2. Yeah yeah yeah! I hope you keep doing them. I love your drawing of your daughters shoe. I am up to the "bed" challenge and feel like quitting. but now you have inspired me to keep going. I hope we can keep at each other to do them. They are actually really excellent for "blocks" and it is pushing my "perfectionism" button, that I just MUST disable!

  3. I like this peep toe shoe. I too have been tempted to do the EDM.

  4. That is a really cute drawing there. That is the only way we become good is setting some time and just draw, paint or what ever our hobbies are. I love your drawing so keep it up. : ) It's Friday!! Have a great weekend and have fun in the garden too.

  5. Hey, good for you. Looks great!

    Please extend my apologies to Doozey, I forgot her birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOOZEY!!!

  6. I love shoe drawings! Maybe its just my obsession with fashion illustration, but they never fail to get me excited. Its kinda like botanical or figure drawing in that you can take a precise tack or take a whimsical approach and its beautiful either way! I love the stitching by the way.

  7. Love that shoe! You are talented!

  8. You did quite well with that. I think you should continue on that path! I'm going to check out your friend's blog now. jan

  9. Very nice, Julie... You do have a gift when it comes to art/drawing...Keep it up.

  10. Nice work, Julie! I find the EDM challenges a great way to kick off some sketching when I don't know what to draw. :)

  11. I like your shoe too! its cute and has personality
    sharon b waves back
