Monday, August 23, 2010

A new love discovered!!!

I have been on a "southern pea" kick for a while now...and I am sorry if anyone might be sick of hearing about them, BUT.....

I just discovered Pidgeon Peas! They are really amazing fat, high fiber, high protein...a wonderful meal when combined with a grain! Tonight I made a beans and rice concoction with chicken and a little bacon in it...and it was excellent. Those pidgeon peas made it really shine! The peas are round, a little firmer (I believe) than most, and they kinda pop when you bite them! A lovely texture and feel in your mouth. Next I want to try eating them with just salt, butter and pepper and really taste their actual flavor.

Photo is coutesy of Wikipedia


  1. My neighbor makes "Puerto Rican Rice" with pidgeon peas, and it's soooooo amazing. She swears it's easy, but I don't have the recipe.

  2. Where did you FIND THEM? You make them sound very desirable!

  3. I love love pidgeon peas. There are a lot of Puerto Rican & Cuban recipes that use them.

  4. Interesting, I'll have to see if anyone sells them around here.

  5. Interesting. I like peas, but I must admit that I don't know much about them. LOL, mine always come frozen from the supermarket... Rice, beans, chicken + bacon - sounds good...

  6. Where do you get such peas? They look like a cross of peas and limas.

  7. Hi Julie
    I know those beans...and love them too! I am a real lover of beans and was very happy to discover them a couple of years ago.
    Your dish sounds yummy...

    I don't know who sings that song either that you sang on my post...*s*...but I recognize it and I must say you sang it so well.

    have a great day

  8. Hi Julie
    back again..regarding the American Idol Michael Lynche. You must remember him Julie!! He was about the 4th from the last to go. His wife had their baby girl on a day he was auditioning and they showed her pregnant etc. and he couldn't be there..

    They ALWAYS showed his wife...he was a big guy a personal body builder and at least on one occasion he lifted Ryan right up and twirled him over his head or something to that affect. He often times wore a hat..not a cap but a hat and he dressed nicely. he sang a lot of slower types of songs...remember now? *hugs*
