Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I got my camera back...check out the okra!

They are all almost 4 ft. tall! Still no blossoms! Pooey...I just go and inspect every morning. Come on, okra...start produciung, will ya???

Below you can make out the red center where the stem meets the leaf...the stem turns read also, and it seems the red gradually disappears. I don't have any really red ones now, but they are quite bright for a period of time. A very pretty leaf! What is astounding to me is that the leaves feel like the outside of an okra...fuzzy, and slightly sharp...they feel very rough, tough, and like they WILL grow and be productive...they really seem to make a statement about their strength!

Here is a side shot showing how tall they are.

The little shiny blue Longlegged Flies are back. They had showed up on my pink eyed peas too! They sure are cute!

And check out Buddha...he sure is attracting all the love from the red vincas!!!

I have my beautiful granddaugher, Emily on my lap as I type. She is having her 2nd birthday party next weekend. I will be sure to take pics!


  1. My husband grows okra....I can't stand it! Happy Birthday to the little one, a little early..

  2. Good afternoon, Julie! I hope your okra produces bucketfuls of pods. You know, the only ways to prepare it that I can think of are fried and as part of a gumbo recipe. Do you know of any other good recipes for it? We had our first digging of the sweet potatoes last week. Boy were they ever delicious. Lots of birthdays this time of year. Daughter had hers yesterday, mine will be next week, and Son's is later in September. Then there are all of the other family members with birthdays in September. December must have been a very fertile month in our family.

  3. Hi Julie, I never grew okra before, your plants sure do look attractive! The shiny blue fly is so pretty, looks like it's made of glass. :D

  4. I hope you get okra soon. Here they are giving it away. A good year for okra.

  5. They're really a fun plant! I haven't tried them yet but I'd like to next year.

  6. I never really had much to do with okra until I went to the University of Oklahoma for college. My sororiety sister/ roomate there loved "fried okra"
    I on the other hand could not stomach it LOL> Love your pictures. Glad you got your camera back.

  7. Have faith dear friend, I am sure the okra is doing it's thing when you are not looking. Perhaps they need a bit of privacy! I mean, really!
    The buddah is lovely fun, and of course you will take 100s of photos at grand daughters 2nd BD party!!! Can't wait to see.

  8. Happy birthday to little Emily in advance.
    I have never see longlegged flies before and it really complimenting the greens here:)

    Happy weekends in advance too Julie!

  9. Happy birthday to little Emily in advance.
    I have never see longlegged flies before and it really complimenting the greens here:)

    Happy weekends in advance too Julie!

  10. Hi Julie, The Okra has some beautiful leaves and I can't wait to see the flower of it. They look very healthy. Good job! Love your little Buddha guy. Really cute.
    I like to send my early Birthday wishes to Emily. Hope she and the family have a wonderful day that day.
    Bobbie Lynn

  11. Your okra adventure seems to be going better than mine. My plants haven't produced at all this year, heck they don't even look as good as yours foliage wise.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

  12. never tasted okra.....
    That fly is beautiful!

    Enjoy your time with emily! Two years next week, how time flies......

  13. This past May, I planted some Red Okra in pots, and they have produced about 15 pods. They just had another round of blooms this past week. The plants are decorative only. I don't like Okra, and when I did pick one of the pods to check out, it was extremely woody. Maybe I let it go too long. Red Okra has red stems and pods.
