Friday, September 3, 2010

My first gloriosa!

They are growing all over my yard for about 3 months now, and finally the first flower emerged! Yeah!!!!


  1. That is very cool. I grow succulents by default. They seem to be the only plant that I can't kill. I waited 2 years for my Hoya to bloom so I understand your jubilation. I've never heard of a gloriosa. I'm going to check it out. They are beautiful.

  2. THis is other-worldly beautiful. The color is great.

  3. Congrats, I hear they grow really well in your area. Love this flower. I can't seem to remember what happened to the corms I save from year to year. Maybe I left them in the ground?

  4. I'm so glad you found some! Mine have kind of petered out for now... hopefully they'll bounce back when we get more rain!

  5. What an interesting flower...don't know this it though!

  6. Was this the passalong from Clyde? Lucky you!

  7. oh this is so pretty. I have never seen them before ever anywhere! and they are ALL OVER your yard? Lucky You!!!!

    Hey, that little cute box arrived today in my snail mail thank you very very very much! The beads are adorable! They are ever much as good as the Ugandian women's beads!!! Yes they ARE!!!!
    I love them Julie, so sweet, thank you. Just the right amount of shine!


  8. Walk2Write- No, I have these all over my yard...they grow everywhere here...this is just the first one that has bloomed this season. I had sent Claude a few back in the spring and thankfully his are blooming well...mine are just behind the times for some reason. My Moms yard is full of them here also and hers have been blooming all summer! I am jealous! LOL. :)

  9. Lynn- So glad they arrived safely and hope you will be able to use them in some projects along the way!

  10. This is absolutely gorgeous!! I've never seen one before; will have an eye out! If they like your weather, they should enjoy mine as well!

  11. What an incredible flower! Well worth the wait I think!
